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Joined: 2004/9/4
Posts: 39
Washington State

 What is your favorite Steve Camp record?

Brothers and Sisters,

When I was led to the Lord by a zealous man of God, he introduced me to the music of Steve Camp. It stood in stark contrast to the 'god is my girlfriend' contemporary Christian? music that most foolish Christians? eat up like Twinkies these days. I love the fire and conviction that makes up Steve Camp's music. It convicts me and draws me closer to Jesus Christ. My favorite Steve Camp record is the 1988 classic, 'Justice'.

[img align=left][/img]

Playing Marbles with Diamonds
Don't Tell Them Jesus Loves Them
Living Dangerously in the Hands of God
Do You Feel Their Pain?
Hell is Burning While the Church Sleeps
Great American Novel
Servants without Scars
Love That Will Not Let Me Go
I Believe in You

This is musical manna brethren. It is out of print but you can find copies available on Ebay.

What is your favorite Steve Camp record and why?

Hell Is Burning While The Church Sleeps,


Des S.

 2005/6/25 0:19Profile

 Re: What is your favorite Steve Camp record?

I would have to say it would be a toss up between Justice and Consider the Cost. Both are great... I think I lean toward CTC.

But if you were to ask my my favorite Steve Camp song, it would be a song from neither of those albums... it would be Run To The Battle. I love the opening line:

[i]Some people wanna live within the sound chapel bells, but I wanna run a mission a yard from the gates of hell...[/i]

Now [b]that's[/b] what Christian music is supposed to be... not the junk thats out there now.

I also appreciate the way Steve isnt afraid to take on the Catholic Church and all of her heretical teachings in his music and writings. That never happens in todays CCM.

Now if Steve would just come around the KJV, I'd be really pleased! LOL

Song listing for Consider the Cost:
1. Cross Is a Radical Thing
2. For Every Time
3. Carry Me
4. Shade for the Children
5. Consider the Cost
6. Follow Me
7. Could I Be Called a Christian?
8. Agony of Deceit
9. Guard That Trust
10. All That I Need


 2005/6/25 6:34

Joined: 2004/9/4
Posts: 39
Washington State


Consider the Cost is a close second followed by Fire and Ice. I just found a beautiful copy of Fire and Ice online for $20. I've seen it for as much as $65.

If I share Steve Camp with someone and they don't grow to love it, then I wonder about that person. Steve Camp's music is meat on manna. I need to be convicted, encouraged, strengthened and pointed to Jesus Christ continually. That's why my ears get a steady diet of Steve Camp's music.

Could I Be Called a Christian? - Steve Camp, Consider the Cost (CD)

Could I be called a Christian
If everybody knew
The secret thoughts and feelings
Of everything I do
Could they see the likeness
of Christ in me each day
Could they hear Him speaking
In every word I say

Could I be called a Christian
If my faith I did not show
If I do not go to places
Where the Lord would have me go
If I do not love His truth
If I do not guard His trust
If I cherish more than Jesus
My greatest hidden lust

To obey all He’s commanded
To do all that He said
To place no confidence in the flesh
To glory in Christ Jesus
It’s He who justifies
To find your life you must lose it,
To live you must first die.
Let every man examine his own life.
“Could I be called a Christian?”

Could I be called a Christian
And believe not his holy word
If I take Him as my Savior
And refuse Him as my Lord
If I could not love the outcast
And not burdened for the lost
If I fail to deny myself
And each day take up my cross

God bless,


Christians don't tell lies they just go to church and sing them ~ A.W. Tozer

Des S.

 2005/6/25 6:58Profile

Joined: 2005/1/11
Posts: 234
United Kingdom

 What is your favorite Steve Camp record?

Hi Des,
I used to have a copy, I think. It was one with a dark green cover and he was doing some Larry Norman songs. He style was so fresh and wonderful, I have a number of songs on disc by him but would not really know which albums they are from.
I loved the post bout his Thesis to CCM, I was approached by one the interviewers and I gave him the cold brush off.
Like Bruce Cockburn, I want to stay true in my heart to the Lord, and never want to feel that what I am saying is censored by the recording industry.
It is too late now anyhow, I just keep marching for Jesus. The time is short and our Lord will come and when He does, it will be nice for us to be ready.

In Jesus,

I just finished watching the video under Chuck Smith on SI, it is on the 17th page, and is in 9 fairly reasonable sized .mwv files. It is Kathryn Kuhlman [such a child at heart], Chuck Smith of the original Calvary Chapel in Costa Mesa, and some really amazing acoustic performances by brothers and sisters in Jesus, live and unplugged in 1971, and lot's of hippies who are worshipping Jesus, we just sat there crying watching them and remembering what it was like...thankyou Jesus for what you have done with our lives. :-P

Eric John Sawyer

 2005/6/25 18:21Profile

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