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Joined: 2005/1/11
Posts: 234
United Kingdom



I give up. Apart from the fact that your own comments often resemble a 'slam dunk', this thread has CHANGED. Refer to the initial post and the one after which I was told of my error to only expect people to share their story of salvation, and not to make comments.

I have made the neccesary edit-alt: 'comment and share as you like,' only to find that the argument of my error still continues.

Come on dude's and dudettes, mellow down easy, and tell me how you came to faith in Jesus.

I only structured this thread to learn of what is the most precious moment in your life. Well except for C.S. Lewis, who called himself the most reluctant convert in all of England, I am positive you have something positive to contribute.

His story was called, 'Suprised by Joy'. I was not expecting a book length entry, but simply a paraphrase of that one special moment when you took that step towards the Lord Jesus.

Comment and share as you wish !

In Jesus,
a smile sandwich!

Eric John Sawyer

 2005/6/21 12:08Profile

Joined: 2004/5/6
Posts: 309
Washington st. u.S. A.


Testimony of
Raven Nelson

“And they overcame by the blood of the Lamb, and their testimony” (Revelation 12:ll). By the blood of the Lamb! I have been privileged to give a testimony that will help others overcome. Thank you Jesus!

I am a Native American, full blood. I’ve always known while growing up, through my elders, and those that loved me, that there is a God; but I never really embraced Him as a Saviour who had anything to do in my life.

So growing up I had done a lot of things that the blood of the Lamb has covered. But thinking back of all the things that I have done that put the LORD on the cross, gives me shame. But He has redemption! He GIVES – God the Father GIVES! He gave us His Son. His Son gave us His stripes, and His blood for healing.

My testimony is about healing that has happened – not only in body, but in spirit and soul. He took care of my wounded and broken heart; and I am so thankful for a merciful God!

On February 28th of 1996 I came to a realization – a death experiencein the emergency room. During thattime I was privileged to find another being standing beside me. I was floating up above and watching things happening in the emergency room.

There was no shadow in that room; but I could see the people working. Standing to my right side was a tall man – long flowing white hair, and what appeared to be fire in His eyes. He was in a white robe with a goldenbelt around His middle. And He revealed to me that He loved me, and that He cared for me.

And because of that experience there in that emergency room, I had cometo a more personal realization of God’s love and His caring.

I went away looking and searching – wanting to find out more about this guy – to have a more personal relationship with Him. And so I went to there were people who had a street ministry. And a gentle giant named Lobo, who was ministering on the street. And he was praying,praying that I would come to the realization of who God is. And there was another brother we called‘brother Al,’ and that just in prayer (how prayer works!) to bring about things, he prayed too.

And because of their prayers, I began to know the LORD. And in knowing the LORD and reading His word I read in there that ‘greater things would we do – signs and wonders wouldfollow after those to whom Heaven gave approval by the work that they do (Psalm 62:11-12; Mark 16:15-18;Acts 2:22).

And so I went from church to church looking for the signs and wonders following after, because even though I had seen the LORD in the emergency room,I still had aches and pains from damage that was done – breaks in my back andin my neck from bullet wounds, and from fightings, beatings on the street.

And because of that, I was like a walking pharmacy. And that is who my wife met – a personin pain and on medication. I was prescribed 40 mgs. of morphine 3 times a day, Roxicodone to take as needed. And then there was Verelanfor my heart, as it had been damaged in the some things that I have done. And I also had Ambien prescribed for going to sleep (as the pain was constant). There was Prilosec, Cyclobenzaprine as a muscle relaxer and Stadol spray for weekly migraines. I also had a Tens Unit for my back to relax muscles that were constantly in knots. At one doctor’s appointment, I received at one time, eleven steroid shots up and down my back and I should have received, at the most, fourshots. The presiding doctor didn’tknow how I was even able to walk into the office.

And so, I had all this baggage I was carrying. But I was looking in the Word, and it says, ‘Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.’ And as I read, I understood that I needed faith to be healed.

I was so privileged to have some friends give me a video of a man, a missionary. And on that tape I heard of miraculous things happening. People were being healed. The blind were given their sight. Those with heart problems were being made whole. Lepers were being cleansed. The dead were being raised. And so I took note of who this person was. I am privileged to call him,‘brother.’

And so, a few years later on September 13th, 2003 I met the man. I met the man because I found his itinerary on the internet, and found out more about him coming close. Close was 700 miles one way. And when you’re hurting and in pain,and your life is that of pain (and that’s where I was, in pain) I didn’t mind the miles it took to get there.

Those pills that I was taking, I had to take some to be able to get up in the morning, and some to make it through the day. I had a sleeping aide – two different sleeping aides so that I could then go to sleep. So I had all kinds of medication – a drug addicts dream to have all these things, except without the pain. But I had the pain, and was dealing with that. And my wife was dealing with it. And I have just been so blessed to have such a good helper, a helpmate, and I thank God for her, and for understanding – and for such love!

But it was a day after day experience, and it was never about good days,it was just days with less pain – or days with more pain. And I was wondering just how I was going to make it through another winter, as was my wife.

And so, after looking and finding out that a brother in Christ was coming to Challis, Idaho, to the Living Waters Ranch, I purposed in my heart to come see, and to know whether or not God was moving in this man as I had seen and heard on the video.

So we traveled, and upon arriving there for the first meeting, I saw the guy thatI had seen on the video, and his wife and his kids, and I went up to meet him. I went to walk with him, and I shared with him; but it wasn’t such a good and glorious meeting. Because, being in pain, I wanted to know that I was going to be healed! I came up to him challenging him about these things that I had seen on the video, and I spoke through the devil as Peter did to Jesus, and he was undaunted. He said, ‘I’ll see you in prayer line.”

And so I went and sat down. I vaguely remember the meeting. However, Then came the realization and the anticipation that there really wasgoing to be healing in that place. And there were not a few healings that took place that evening!

I couldn’t wait for prayer line to get started! I remember as things began to happen, and people were moving chairs back for others to get into prayer line, and I went up with my wife – in pain – so much so that I was hardly able to sit for long periods, or to stand for long periods. Even to lift up more than 10 lbs. was painful. I was unable to walk for long distances because of my heart, and all the things that added together.

I stood waiting. And as he started moving around and praying, I was seeing people going down under the power ofthe Holy Spirit – under the power of God. I was stirred within me to get over to where he was. I grabbed my wife’s hand and started tolead her toward him. And he turned– and he looked, and our eyes locked, and he began walking toward me. And oh, the thrill in my heart knowing that my time had come to find and see. When he came, I could see that it wasn’t him any longer – someone had taken over him. He walked over and he asked, ‘What is wrong with you?’ And I began to tell him about the breaks in my back and in my neck. I didn’t even get a chance to tell him about my heart or headaches or the wounds that I had received, and he said, ‘Enough.’ And he invoked the Holy Wind of Heaven! And he blew,‘Whewww!’ He didn’t even touch me– he just blew. And what I saw coming out of his mouth as he blew was like crystal clear water, expanding as it was coming out. And as I looked, my first recollection was, ‘I don’t believe…!’ And by that time it was all over me.

And the next thing that I recall is that I was lying down. I didn’t know where I was laying down –I was lying down. And a hand was behind my head, propped up, and there was this brother in speaking to me, talkingabout healing and courage, and the mercy of God, the love of heaven, and that I was to accept what I was receiving. And so I took that.

I remember getting up – later – I don’t know how much later, but my wife was there, and the pain was gone! – pain that I had carried for all those years – gone! I was still stiff, but the pain was gone! THAT was the amazing part to me! And I talked with my wife, and related to her what had happened to me, and about how this brother talked with me and held my head. But she said, ‘No,he just blew and kept on walking by. But to me, in the spirit, he was there. He was talking courage, strength, healing, love of God! It was just a blessed moment! And it was what I had come for! It was what I was looking for. I was looking for the God of the Word,for signs and wonders following after those… and I had met a faithful servant who also believes the Words, and so, imparted and was there to be the conduit that the power flowed through!

I met God there in Challis in a way that I had never met Him before. He has made my heart to burn – where it was once damaged – that wounded heart – the one I needed medication for – He made it to burn for the Word as He opens the Scripture to me. It just burns and He gives me understanding in a head that only knew pain. He IS imparting, and HAS BEEN understanding as to what HE wants from us, as His children.

He has given me the good news – the Gospel; the good news that He is a healer. He is a Shepherd with a rod and a staff that comfort us. He has stripes on His back forour healing, blood for our righteousness, and a Holy Ghost power that walks among us, and is used through His servants.

Throughout the meeting, and going home, I still felt stiff, but no pain! That night I went to bed without taking any of my medication, any of my sleep aides, any of my heart meds, and muscle relaxers. In the morning I awoke, and the pain was not there, and the stiffness was beginning to leave.

And so, we went again and heard more. Got to meet new friends, new brothers. I got to share with this brother of the healing that took place. And what a beautiful brother that said, ‘This happens all the time!’ And I love the fact that when you’re in the good graces of heaven, things happen! GOD GIVES! And it happens all the time around faithful servants – who are obeying the Master’s voice.

And so I waited through the meeting. I believe that I was too over joyed to really hear anything that was being said. I was just so overwhelmed with the feeling of ‘Wow! I’m healed!’ The pain is gone! What I had been looking for has come!

And so we went through the meeting, and toward the end my new brother said ‘We’re having a meeting in Seattle. Please come. Get the information from my wife.’ So we were privileged to go over to Seattle. And that was a blessed time. I was able to give my testimony [in front of a group of people] for the first time at the beginning of the first meeting. And that was that God is alive and He is working! And He’s still reaching down! His power is not diminished! And that He will touch you, and you will be healed; and that He has men of God that are here for instruction, for correction and healing. And above all, to give you the good news that these things are here for today! (Isaiah 61:1-3;Acts 1:8) Because in His Word it says greater things will ye do! (John 14:12;5:20-21) He tells us to go out, just as this brother instructed, ‘Go! Heal! Cleanse! Raise the dead! Cast out demons! And that heaven will be there! And heaven is! I’ve felt it! I feel it every day! I have been rejoicing every day. I give rejoicing every day for what I have! I give rejoicing that I have peace of the Holy Ghost imparted in me, because it washed all over me when this brother in Christ blew toward me.

I really believe that the best part is, is when I went to the doctor and he saw a different person than he’d been taking care of for the last few years. I was able then to bend down, twist,hop, and jump. He listened to my heart and he said that if he hadn’t been taking care of me, he wouldn’t havebelieved that my heart was beating as strong and as steady as it was. Previously, my heart was beating out of rhythm. It was normal for my heart to be beating out of rhythm. New nurses would come in and think that I was going into cardiac arrest when they first heard my heart. I had a‘crash cart’ called in once, and my doc came in and he says, “Oh, it’s just Mr.Nelson!” and laughed. Oh, to be without the pain!

I was also able to be a witness even to my doctor. I told him I went off my medications cold turkey and that I had no withdrawal symptoms whatsoever! My doc said, ‘You couldn’t have just quit the way you did!’ And yet that is how thorough the LORD it is when He does a job – that He takes away those things that once bound you –the things that once held you, and He releases you!

For weeks afterward, I was running and jumping for joy when I would getup in the morning – free from the pain and stiffness, and to be able to think straight.

My doctor said, ‘You should open a pain clinic and get people off narcotics if you could kick it that easy.’ I told him that it was the LORD that did ALL for me, and has made me who I am!
I ask you to look for the God in the man, we are told greater thing will you do. I'm believing in the word and walking by faith, believing in the unseen.
The Holy Spirit is like the wind.

 2005/6/21 16:09Profile

Joined: 2003/11/23
Posts: 4779


Glad to hear your testimonies, ravin and aeryck! Thanks for sharing!

Matthew 5:8


 2005/6/21 16:53Profile

 Re: I gotta tell somebody!

aeryck and ravin,

Thank you and WOW for all each of you wrote here. The ways God has met and blessed you are wonderful to consider and remember and believe.

 2005/6/21 17:15

Joined: 2003/7/18
Posts: 6566
Reading, UK


I give up. Apart from the fact that your own comments often resemble a 'slam dunk'

I will happily refrain from making any other comments to your threads.

Ron Bailey

 2005/6/21 17:51Profile

Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534

 Re: 'I gotta tell somebody'

I appreciate your testimony....It encourages people like me who has two sons away from God and are into SIN. Unfortunately, they are doing very well financially - in their chosen careers. They have no calamities to force them to think about their destinations. Thanks! we sometimes need to be reminded how God can clean up a vile person.


Sandra Miller

 2005/6/21 20:22Profile

Joined: 2004/5/6
Posts: 309
Washington st. u.S. A.


Prayer dose a lot I was prayered for by Brother's from a street ministry for four years before the Lord got my attention. Before that my aunt was hard at knocking on heavens doors. Sister keep praying. Look for and believe in the unseen for what you see. Be faithful our Lord is. will keep you in prayer and your loved ones.

 2005/6/22 2:18Profile

Joined: 2005/5/25
Posts: 189

 Re: 'I gotta tell somebody'

Hi, I must be reading your Edited version of your Testimony.

I believe that when you were in prison, that God heard the intercession of the prayers that those young people prayed for you. And all the faithful prayers of the Christian people, you had come into contact with through the years. All those people who stood in the gap for you. God himself bringing all this about for you.
To bring you out, of the miry clay, out of the deep pit, Is so amazing. And now we serve our God. We look to him to lead, to teach, which is never ending. This walk we have with him, listening to him………

My Mother diligently prayed for me when I did not follow Gods Path. I had a miraculous encounter with God as I was filled with the Holy Spirit in my own home. That day he saved me, from a grave physical state that had been brought about by fear of a stricken nature. I so know how great God is, the all-powerful and the all knowing of who and what each one of us is. He is the 'I Am.' We are the, I am not's. He is our knowing, our strength, our thoughts, our prayers, and our lives.
Prayer is the requirement of all things pertaining to God. Through which we help others, in their life with him. Prayer to God comes, before the spoken word.

My Mother and I prayed for years, for two of my brothers, one of whome would have died in the lifestyle he was living. They both came through miraculously.
For the past 4 years, wonderful things are happening for them with God as they walk his path.

Your encounter with God that day and since is very precious to you and to God for he so loves you and wants you.

I know I have written a lot of words. I want to encourage you in your walk with him.
Look to him he will lead you. He saved you from many things, I believe he wants to teach much to you.

May God bless you and keep you, may you kneel before him and spend time with him. He loves very much.

 2005/6/25 11:42Profile

Joined: 2005/1/11
Posts: 234
United Kingdom

 'I gotta tell somebody'

Thankyou Ellie,
This was a nice suprise for me. I will take these words deep into my heart.
In Jesus,

Eric John Sawyer

 2005/6/25 17:45Profile

Joined: 2005/1/11
Posts: 234
United Kingdom

 'I gotta tell somebody'

Hi my precious new brothers and sisters in Jesus.
It has been brought to my notice that I have been sluggish in my noticing your fine comments and encouraging words.

I look forward to reading more of your testimonies as time allows and the thread progresses.

I have just downloaded Raven's testimony and intend to read it on Sunday morning. It will be a fine start to the day.

In Jesus who loves us with an undying love,


Eric John Sawyer

 2005/6/25 18:08Profile

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