"However, the ultimate wrath isn't a hurricane, storm, fire or cancer diagnosis. The ultimate judgment is the one in which each individual will stand before God and give an account. That judgment and its verdict cannot be escaped -- other than to have one's name written in the Lamb's Book of Life."Amen...
So it looks like Maria is going to hammer Puerto Rico and other Caribbean islands but probably spin off and not hit the US. God must be pretty mad at the Caribbean. Why isn't Iceland being punished? Or maybe it's just weather.
Todd, You ask many a question! For example, "Why isn't Iceland being punished?" You also make statements such as,"Or maybe it's just weather." Just weather? I had the following question for you from another thread. Todd, Please tell me what or who is NOT under God's control. I know from the book of Job that Satan is under His control. Again, is there anything or anyone that is NOT under God's control. And also, Re: sinners and circumstances; can God, 1)Kill2)Prevent 3)Turn 4)Change 5)Control ...them all. I ask, if your child were drowning, and I stood by the pool and watched, and your child drowned, when I, a good swimmer was very capable of rescuing your child, what would you think of me? Many such scenarios might be brought forward to negate your logic in assuming that one makes God to be a monster if He does or doesn't _________________ (fill in the blank).
Todd, I realize you began this thread, and I also realize that you are under no obligation to answer any questions. Yet, I was just wondering if you intended to reply to the question I asked re: anything or anyone NOT under God's control. Thanks
Let's just say that our def of God's sovereignty is pretty different.
Thanks for replying Todd.