“These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.” Proverbs 6:16-19, KJV.
emestiu,Here is something the Lord has taught me. Whenever there is something that I am unsure about that another brother has said, I don't use their name. I just describe the situation and leave the names out. That way I don't unintentionally malign their integrity if I am the one who is confused. Or, if the brother/sister is wrong in what they said, I can confidently go to them one-on-one, as Matthew 18 shows, without have already opened the issue to the public.The topic of whether or not a Christian baker can/should bake cakes for homosexual events is a worthy topic to be discussed--and it should be discussed.
As a hairdresser, I perform services on people of all walks without exception but to participate in an open celebration of sin would violate my conscience and could not participate. When I have an unbeliever in my chair it affords me an opportunity to share the gospel but in a celebration of sin it would not and for me to participate is (for me) tantamount to approving of it and as a representative of Jesus then by extension I'm saying He would too-
I was blessed by this discussion. Thank you for posting the topic. It is relevant, and on our minds. I appreciate the amicable tone here - something that has not always been the case on SI. Is this an indication of growth in the Body of Christ? It is not easy to judge a person's decision, because we do not know all the facts. I am reminded of 2 Corinthians 9:7 "Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."and: Romans 15:23 "... everything that does not come from faith is sin." How much of our own giving is the outwork of pressure on our conscience - so we'll keep the peace, not make waves, get them off our back, do what's expected? This would not be giving by faith - and would come under the category of sin. Yes, even our good deeds can fall under the radar of sin! This could be a rather large "log" in our own eye - which makes it especially difficult to see the "speck" in the other's eye - especially someone we only know from the media!! The only thing I would have liked differently in this thread is the title - as that points to a particular person who is not really the focus of this discussion. As they say, discuss ideas, not the person. Bless you all!!! Diane
// Here is something the Lord has taught me. Whenever there is something that I am unsure about that another brother has said, I don't use their name. //Brother havok20x,I learned my lesson now. I also learned from Zac Poonen preaching that he do not use other preachers names when he is exposing them...so Jesus as well ' generalizing in one category ' by saying "Pharisees" and not giving an exact name... I forgot about it when I posted this topic.. Thank you so much for reminding me and correcting me, Brother, to consider things very carefully before I share it to brethren...