Here is an radical open air sermon preached to 12000 people by the young Spurgeon:
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
YeshuaIsMyGd wrote:Any more advice people?
_________________Zeke Oosthuis
Thanks everyone, Anything else?
I have been building a page on our web site for info on street preaching.Check it out at:[url=]Life and Liberty Ministries[/url]Denny
_________________Dennis Green
This is a great thread!
_________________Josh Parsley
YeshuaIsMyGd, I am going to throw out a few things that I have gleaned, a few specific sources of heart-searching and reading that God has used in my personal life to bring me to where He has me today. If you can help it at all, don't go alone. Take at least on other brother with you. jesus sent out the disciples to witness in twos. You will find an effectual prayer partner and you will find Jesus in your midst working in the lives of your hearers. I asked God if there was a 'decisive point' in the city where I live (meaning a point that God would want for me to make as the place He wants to break through the enemies line). It turned out that it was Grape Day Park, where our City Hall is and many 'notorious' street people', drug dealers, etc. So that is the place I publicly preach every Saturday morning. Consistency, in my opinion, is a big deal. People know that I will be there in that same spot every Saturday morning, rain or shine. They might not stop and listen for months...but the day will come when they will.The community catches wind and will point others to 'that guy preaching in the park every Saturday morning' never having come themselves and never planning on coming. I show up every saturday, not for the people necessarily, but out of a joyful obedience to God...I GET to do this. Yes, my desire is to see people come and respond to God and the truth of His word. My ultimate desire though, is to be well pleasing to the Father and what He has asked me to do. And I will continue to do what He has asked me to do until He asks me to stop. Even if no one shows up. Obedience is huge. Will you do the one thing God is asking of you no matter if people come or not? Whether you are accepted or rejected? If God is asking this of you, bro, then you must do it. Which brings me to the best advice anyone can give someone in your position... If you feel lead of the Spirit of God (and not the spirit of Ray Comfort, John Wesly, George Whitefield, D.L. Moody, etc.) to stand up and preach the word of God and not the word of what YeshuaIsMyGd THINKS these people need to hear, then I have one thing to say to you brother...Step out in obedience and do it, humbly, in love, broken before God, prayed up yes...but do it. "What if God hasn't called me...?"Go and do the thing, you will know soon enough.reading materials1) The Book of Joel (other Minor prophets)2) The Soul Winner by C.H. Spurgeon3) The Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer4) The Tale of Three Kings by Gene Edwards5) The Principals of War by Jim Wilson
If you feel lead of the Spirit of God (and not the spirit of Ray Comfort, John Wesly, George Whitefield, D.L. Moody, etc.)
Ultimately you learn to swim by swimming. Jump in the water brother!!
wow, awesome comments!! thanksany more comments?
"Preaching as to Convert Nobody" by Charles Finney is good. And "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" by Jonathon Edwards is a master-peice! You can these online at: