We are going to be presenting 1-4 books a week from Kingsley Press, they are a godly publisher that heavily discounts their books and offers them at a very good price. They also reprint many obsure godly books that have been out of print. We have worked out with them that if any SermonIndex users want these volumes for the next week they can get it at a additonal discount of 5% Coupon Code is: SERMONINDEX
Living in Kingdom Come by Vance Havner
As with all other books from the pen of Vance Havner, Living in Kingdom Come is full of timeless truth and spiritual direction for pilgrims on their way to the heavenly city. In a chapter entitled “Living in Kingdom Come,” from which the book gets its name, he writes: The Christian moves through the kingdom of this world as a citizen of the kingdom of God. He is not a citizen of earth trying to get to heaven, but a citizen of heaven making his way through this world. He belongs to what Peter calls “an holy nation” (1 Peter 2:9), the only Christian nation on earth, a nation within the nations. He sees everything in the light of Kingdom Come and the kingdom coming. News reports mean something entirely different from what they mean to the man of this world. Issues that excite other people leave him undisturbed. He knows there will be world peace only when the Prince of Peace returns. Projects and reforms by which unregenerate men try to legislate a better world into being mean little to him. He does not ride every bandwagon headed for the Promised Land. He pays his taxes, prays for those in authority, and favors whatever makes for as much peace and order as possible; but he does everything in the light of Kingdom Come and kingdom coming. He is a puzzle to this world; he seems detached from it and is a stranger to it.
About the Author Vance Havner (1901-1986) was a unique servant of God whose spoken ministry spanned over seventy years and whose written ministry extended to almost forty books. Michael Catt, Pastor of Sherwood Baptist Church in Albany, Georgia, says of him: “There was no one like Vance Havner. His preaching style was unique, powerful, and pointed. He was a master at turning a phrase, using humor to set up a point, and then driving the point home like a sharp, two-edged sword. Every Christian should read Vance Havner… If you love A. W. Tozer, you’ll love Vance Havner. He was one of God’s gifts to the church in the 20th century. His ministry and his preaching needs to be heard in the 21st century.”
_________________ SI Moderator - Greg Gordon