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Joined: 2005/4/22
Posts: 257
Seattle, Washington, USA


Like I said before, I debated replying to your post in the first place. I didn't want to seem harsh in my post concerning David Hogan. I know that God can and does more than we ever give Him credit. The things that I have witnessed remind me that His awesome power is at work in us and through us -- to serve as a reminder of his great love for us. Perhaps I could share some of my experiences one day. And I could never judge the heart, intentions or motivation of Mr. Hogan. Only the Lord knows the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

How can I argue with you? You speak truth.

I just wanted to make sure that you weren't just saying your motives were pure in what you wrote. But I really think they are after reading this.

Don't ever lose that hesitation. And just my two cents, I'd be leary of saying either way whether heavenly visions or visits are real or fake. I think unless we have clear scriptural error (like the gucci furniture) we should leave judgement up to God. The only exception I would make to this is for the eldership/bishopric of the church to guard the flock of God. I believe that God would tell them what is true and what is lie...even if it isn't blatant heresy. I experience this in our own congregation. Sometimes I just know if something is wrong and I recognize this is God's grace helping me do something very fearful: feeding His flock.

You too have a wonderful rest. Believing your exam will go well,


 2005/6/23 3:49Profile

Joined: 2005/11/14
Posts: 5



I have been to Mexico. I have seen the groups of indian tribes (Aztecian) that Bro David Hogan ministers to.

His personal experience with God in the mountains of Mexico are for him to tell of, and for us to check out for ourselves. About 10 hours South of Brownsville, TX, in the mountains you'll find those hundreds of churches he speaks of. Go there sometime....walk those mountains...see how those people live. Hear the testimonies of God's Glory, Power, and Healing for yourselves.

My first experience with David Hogan was at a very small church about 15mi E of Tampa, FL. I was amazed that someone of his "reputation" would be ministering in such a small church. He is just as simple and plain as he says he is. In fact, his adopted son, who was 7, received his first football at that church.
The services were great. I personally didn't find anything that I disagreed with. His "claims" are between him and God. Not once in any of his services did he ask for funds, hand out fliers/ fact, you can't find him on the Net. He basically came to that church to do what he said God told him to do....tell the people to wake up and reach this world with the Gospel. Lives were changed, the church was uplifted, and God was glorified. All he asked in return was a basket of fruit for the team, three hotel for the team, one for his family, and one for him to pray alone in. He has, on every visit, provided for his own ministry expenses, and never took up an offering.

His is a plain and simple message. He's there in the field seeing Jesus, the only hope and healer these people truly have, touching, healing, and delivering these people from their sins and diseases. He's giving a wakeup call to the church to go and be Jesus to this world, being His Hands and His Feet in our community.

Because he's a simple man, and unless you're involved with a church that he's going to visit, you probably won't ever get to see him in person.

There are messages by him that people have posted on the Net. Check them out for yourself. Maybe listening instead of being in a service will give you a different perspective.

Again, I invite you to go South and check it out for yourselves. You'll never be the same!


 2005/11/14 23:16Profile

Joined: 2003/11/23
Posts: 4779


Hi Hesed...!

Welcome aboard to the forums! There are so many believers from various backgrounds in these threads, so it is always interesting to learn from one another's experiences.

The services were great. I personally didn't find anything that I disagreed with. His "claims" are between him and God. Not once in any of his services did he ask for funds, hand out fliers/ fact, you can't find him on the Net. He basically came to that church to do what he said God told him to do....tell the people to wake up and reach this world with the Gospel. Lives were changed, the church was uplifted, and God was glorified. All he asked in return was a basket of fruit for the team, three hotel for the team, one for his family, and one for him to pray alone in. He has, on every visit, provided for his own ministry expenses, and never took up an offering.

Wow -- that is quite a different experience than the ones that I had during two seperate series of meetings. If you read through my previous posts in this thread, you will see how those meetings differed greatly from the ones that you are describing. Those meetings were, well, awful. Not only was there an unhealthy emphasis on unbiblical "supernatural" doctrine and his own personal spiritual "authority" -- there was also a huge emphasis on monetary offerings.

However, even though I disagreed greatly with David Hogan's messages and methods at those meetings -- I have continued to pray for him. This would be a wonderful answer to prayer!

Supposedly, David Hogan's home and ministry is headquartered in Raymondville, Texas, which is nearby the University that I attend. I have considered stopping by to sit with him and explain my concerns about the meetings that I attended. Those meetings were terribly unbiblical. They did not seem in any way like the meetings that you have described. I have also traveled through Mexico. The local and indigenous ministers that we worked with did not have anything good to say about Mr. Hogan.

I do hope that he has changed from the manner in which he preached during the meetings that I attended. The Lord is more than able!



 2005/11/14 23:51Profile

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