"It's amazing how much depth there is to the scriptures, isn't it?"
Indeed! And it's wonderful to read about that!
There is one story from Amy Carmichael that speaks about "coming down": ______________________________
One morning at breakfast, one of the speakers (at a certain convention) suddendly looked straight across the table at me. And slipping my name into the song, he began to sing very loudly to the tune "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" - only he began with these words:
Have you lost your reputation? Are you trusting in the Lord?
The whole tableful of people stopped talking instantly and turned their full attention. In the horror of that moment, I missed the next two lines, but the man singing went on ruthlessl, still fixing me with the steady stare of his great blue eyes:
Have you found a full salvation from what people think and say? Do you mean to live for Jesus, let the world say what it may?
So if we think of coming down as a humiliation - then I think for me it is REPUTATION.
"Christ made himself of no reputation"! Striking! And He had a lot more reputation than any human being. Recently, I also heard in a sermon:
"'But we need to realize that not only his coming down from heaven, but as he walked on earth, He continually emptied Himself until that final moment when He is on the cross. HE'S THE EMPTIEST MAN THAT HAS EVER BEEN! He now has no friends, He now has no clothes, He now has no dignity! Everything that was his was gone!' A tremendous statement! My dear friend, and I want to tell you something: To the degree that we follow the Lord, in these degrees of death will we be happy, we will have joy! It is not the man who keeps himself for himself but the man that empties himself for the glory of God that abounds with the greatest joy."
So... "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus..." Phil.2:5-7
Losing your name, your reputation for Christ... Have you lost your reputation?
And, you know, you cannot really 'hurt' humble people. Because they are not proud, they have no image to defend and no reputation to fight for. They trust in the Lord and not in themselves. Like sheeps... and yet they are strong because their Sheperd is Almighty!
May we all one day say like Pastor R. Wurmbrand: "Lord, I have no name! Allow me to bear Your Name!" Amen!
*Quotes are from "Ministering to the Lord" by P.Washer and "The Beauty of Nothing" by R. Wurmbrand |