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Joined: 2006/7/31
Posts: 3057

 how often

Your life is not something from which you can stand aside and consider what it would have been like had you had a different one. There is no “you” apart from your actual life. You are not separate from your life, and in that life you must find the goodness of God. Otherwise, you will not believe that he has done well by you, and you will not truly be at peace with him.

This is the true situation: nothing has power to tempt me or move me to wrong action that I have not given power by what I permit to be in me. And the most spiritually dangerous things in me are the little habits of thought, feeling, and action that I regard as “normal” because “everyone is like that” and it is “only human.”


The above are two quotes from the book Divine Conspiracy. I have often struggled with regret in my life, moments where I thought if only I could change this or that, but I am slowly realizing that I would not be who I am or where I am if I had that ability to go back and fix things. Who I am now , where I am now is exactly where I need to be in Him. Father uses the things in my life to draw me closer to Him now to help me live with Him now in His Kingdom.I think about each time I messed up He was there, each time I fell He was there, each time I struggled through my own storm He was there. If I were to go back and change anyone of those moments I would never have seen the goodness, the kindness,the love of God working in my life.

The past has less and less hold over me these days because I am seeing that as long as my view is fixed on Him there is much good that came from Him even in dark times. Regret can only have power over me if I give it that power by not living in Him now in this moment.

 2017/3/7 8:41Profile

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