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Discussion Forum : Miracles that follow the plow : Prayer Request

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 Prayer Request

I'm not new to the Faith, yet i dont know as much as i ought to. I strongly feel a calling on my life to Preach First to the Jew then to the Gentile. I know there is not difference between the two. But, we are being Anti-semetic (sp!) and I have been convicted, and its all been confirmed numerous times.

I'm not greatly knowledgable about the Jews Tradtions and different sects. I'm basically a 'babe' in their faith. I ended up today talking to a rabbi, oh my, the pain i saw in his eyes about the holocost.

I just ask for your prayers, and maybe advice to help me in witnessing to the Jew first and then the Gentile. Also, youth and street preaching is another calling. I can only lean on Jesus.

 2005/6/10 23:17

 Re: Prayer Request


Thank you for sharing this desire to preach to the Jews. I don't know the subtelties of how this should be done, but I do know scripture is very clear about who the Gentiles (the nations) are and where they fit into God's plan for His people. You could read up about this. A quick Google search brought up this history book to investigate [url=][/url] which you might be able to borrow from a library?

I suggest you search for an organisation which specialises. There are international organisations which have local representatives, too. The Lord will lead you. Sometimes, it does not seem straightforward how He leads you, but, on the way, you meet people who will have an influence on your work for the Lord and you, on theirs. This is a glorious tapestry of weavings which only God can bring about as you are obedient to His promptings.

I know there is not difference between the two. But, we are being Anti-semetic (sp!) and I have been convicted, and its all been confirmed numerous times.

May the Lord give you patience with them and yourself, as you fulfil His calling to love them.

 2005/6/12 15:25


Thanks very much.

I'm going to be listening to much of Art Katz, and the Holy Father.

He has been teaching me alot resently, and im surprised on all the DIVINE things the Lord has done. Wowza....

Thanks, for everything.

I'm still willing to get some more help. ;) Anyone..hehe

 2005/6/12 18:32

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