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 Character of spiritual leaders Horatius Bonar

A Classic Study by Horatius Bonar (1809–1889)

[Here, we continue a study that enumerates the character traits of great spiritual leaders. This study was written by Horatius Bonar, and is taken from the preface of a book that he edited by John Gillies called "Historical Collections of Accounts of Revival". Mr. Bonar came up with this list of character traits by looking at the lives of the people who lead the great revivals in history. In the first two parts of the study, Mr. Bonar looked at the following traits: 1. They were earnest about the work of the ministry; 2. They were bent upon success; 3. They were men of faith; 4. They were men of labour; 5. They were men of patience; 6. They were men of boldness and determination; 7. They were men of prayer; 8. They were men whose doctrines were of the most decided kind, both as respects law and gospel. In this part, Mr. Bonar concludes the list of character traits.]—Ed.

Character of a Spiritual Leader - III

9. They were men of solemn deportment and deep spirituality of soul. Their lives and their lips accorded with each other. Their daily walk furnished the best attestation and illustration of the truth they preached. They were always ministers of Christ, wherever they were to be found or seen. No frivolity, no flippancy, no gaiety, no worldly conviviality or companionships neutralized their public preaching, or marred the work they were seeking to accomplish. The world could not point to them as being but slightly dissimilar from itself, or as men who, though faithful in the pulpit, forgot throughout the week their character, their office, their errand. Luther once remarked, regarding a beloved and much admired friend, "he lives what we preach." So it was with those much-honoured men, Stoddard, Shepard, Mather, Edwards, Tennent, and their noble fellow-workers, whose names are in the book of life


 2017/2/8 21:15Profile

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