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Joined: 2012/9/25
Posts: 886

 Highway to Holiness by Andrew Murray

1st, it has this property that it tends to the abasement of all flesh and exaltation of God only in His grace and power through Christ. And so it is agreeable to God’s design in all His works, and the end that He aims at (Eph. 1:6; Isa. 2:17; Ezek. 36:21-23, 31-32; Prov. 16:4), and a fit means for the attaining the end that we ought to aim at in the first place, which is the hallowing, sanctifying and glorifying God’s name in all things. And this property of it is a great argument to prove that it is the way of God, and hath the character of His image stamped upon it. We may say that it is like Him, and a way according to His heart, as Christ proves His doctrine to be of God by this argument (John 7:18). And Paul proves the doctrine of justification and of sanctification, and salvation by grace through faith, to be of God, because it excludes all boasting of the creature (Rom. 3:27-28; 1 Cor. 1:29-31; Eph. 2:8-9). This property appears evidently in the mystery of sanctification by Christ in us through faith.

It shows that all our good works and living to God are not by our own power and strength at all, but by the power of Christ living in us by faith; and that God enables us to act not merely according to our natural power, as He enables carnal men and all other creatures, but above our own power, by Christ united to us and in us through the Spirit. All men live, move and have their being in Him; and by His universal support and maintenance of nature in its being and activity, they act (Heb. 1:3), so that the glory of their acting as creatures belongs to God.

But God acts more immediately in His people, who are one flesh and one Spirit with Christ, and act not by their own power, but by the power of the Spirit of Christ in them, as closely united to Him and being the living temples of His Spirit; so that Christ is the immediate principal agent of all their good works; and they are Christ’s works properly, who works all our works in us and for us: and yet they are the saints’ works by fellowship with Christ, by whose light and power the faculties of the saints do act (Gal. 2:20; Eph. 3:16-17; Col. 1:11), so that we are to ascribe all our works to God in Christ, and thank Him for them as free gifts (1 Cor. 15:10; Phil. 1:11).

God enables us to act not by ourselves, as He does others, but by Himself. The wicked are supported in acting only according to their own nature, so they act wickedly. Thus all are said to live, move and have their being in God (Acts 17:28). But God enables us to conquer sin not by ourselves, but by Himself (Hos. 1:7); and the glory of enabling us does not only belong to Him, which the Pharisee could not but ascribe to Him (Luke 18:11), but also the glory of doing all in us.

And yet we work as one with Christ, even as He works as one with the Father, by the Father working in Him. We live as branches by the juice of the Vine, act as members by the animal spirits of the Head, and bring forth fruit by marriage to Him as our husband, and work in the strength of Him as the living Bread that we feed on. He is all in the new man (Col. 3:11), and all the promises are made good in Him (2 Cor. 1:20).

2d, It has this property, that it consists well with other doctrines of the gospel, which contrary errors do not.

It confirms us in the doctrine of real union with Christ, so plentifully held forth in Scripture; which doctrine some account a vain notion, and cannot endure it, because they think it does not work holiness, but presumption; whereas I have shown that it is absolutely necessary for the enjoyment of spiritual life and holiness, which is treasured up in Christ; and that so inseparably, that we cannot have it without a real union with Him (2 Cor. 13:5; 1 John 5:12; John 6:53 and 15:5; 1 Cor. 1:30; Col. 3:11). The members cannot live without union with the head, nor the branches without union with vine; nor can the stones be part of the living temple, except they are really joined mediately or immediately to the cornerstone.

3d, It has this excellent property, that it is the never-failing, effectually-powerful, alone-sufficient and sure way to attain to true holiness. They that have the truth in them find it, and the truly humble find it. People strive in vain when they seek it any other way; therefore venture with the lepers, else you die (2 Kings 7; Isa. 55:2-3, 7).

We cannot work holiness in ourselves (Rom. 5:6). So that a humbled person finds it in vain to seek holiness by the law or his own strength, for the law is weak through our flesh. Seeking a pure life without a pure nature is building without a foundation. And there is no seeking a new nature from the law, for it bids us make brick without straw, and says to the cripple: “Walk!” – without giving any strength.

In this way only, we have a new and divine nature by the Spirit of Christ in us, effectually carrying us forth to holiness with life and love (Rom. 8:5; Gal. 5:17; 2 Peter 1:3-4), and have new hearts according to the law; so that we serve God heartily, according to the new nature, and cannot but serve Him (1 John 3:9). So that there is a sure foundation for godliness and love to God with all our heart, might and soul; and sin is not only restrained, but mortified; and not only the outside made clean, but the inside, and the image of God renewed; and holy actings surely follow. We sin not according to the new nature; though we are not perfect in degree, because of the old nature.

4th, It is a most pleasant way to those that are in it (Prov. 3:17), and that in several respects:

1. It is a most plain way – easy to be found to one that sees his own deadness under the law, and is so renewed in the spirit of his mind, as to know and be persuaded of the truth of the gospel. The enlightened soul cannot think of another way, when truly humbled (John 6:68). And when we are in Christ, we have His Spirit to be our guide in this way (1 John 2:27; John 16:13).

2. It is easy to those that walk in it by the Spirit, though it is difficult to get into it by reason of the opposition of the flesh or devil scaring us or seducing us from it. Here you have holiness as a free gift received by faith, an act of the mind and soul. Whosoever will may come, take it and drink freely; and nothing is required but a willing mind (John 7:37; Isa. 55:1; Rev. 22:17). But the law is an intolerable burden (Matt. 23:4; Acts 15:10), if duty is laid on us by its terms. We are not left in this way to conquer lusts by our endeavors, which is a successless work; but what is duty is given, and the law is turned into promises (Heb. 8.; Ezek. 36:25, 27; Jer. 31:33 and 32:40). We have all now in Christ (Col. 3:11 and 2:9-10, 15-17). This is a catholic medicine, instead of a thousand. How pleasant would this free gift – holiness – be to us, if we knew our own wants, inabilities and sinfulness! How ready are some to toil continually, and macerate their bodies in a melancholy legal way to get holiness, rather than perish for ever! And therefore, how ready should we be, when it is only: Take and have; believe and be sanctified and saved! (2 Kings 5:13). Christ’s burden is light, by His Spirit’s bearing it (Matt. 11:30). No weariness, but renewing of strength (Isa. 40:31).

3. It is a way of peace (Prov. 3:17), free from fears and terrors of conscience, that those meet with unavoidably who seek salvation by works; for the law works wrath (Rom. 4:15). It is not the way of Mount Sinai, but of Jerusalem (Heb. 12:18, 22). The doubts of salvation that people meet with, arise from putting some condition of works between Christ and themselves; as has appeared in this discourse. But our walking in this way is by faith, which rejects such fears and doubtings (John 14:1; Mark 5:36; Heb. 10:19, 22). It is free from fears of Satan or any evil (Rom. 8:31-39); and free from slavish fears of perishing by our sins (1 John 2:1-2; Phil. 4:6-7); faith laying hold on infinite grace, mercy and power to secure us; the Lord is the keeper and shade on the right hand (Ps. 121:5). Free and powerful grace answers all objections.

4. It is a way that is paved with love, like Solomon’s chariot (Song. 3:10). We are to set God’s loving-kindness and all the gifts of His love still before our eyes (Ps. 26:3); Christ’s death, resurrection, intercession before our eyes; which breed peace, joy, hope, love (Rom. 15:13; Isa. 35:10). You must believe for your justification, adoption, the gift of the Spirit and a future inheritance, your death and resurrection with Christ. In believing for these things your whole way is adorned with flowers, and has these fruits growing on each side; so that it is through the garden of Eden, rather than the wilderness of Sinai (Acts 9:31). It is the office of the Spirit or Guide to be our Comforter, and not a spirit of bondage (Rom. 8:15). Peace and joy are great duties in this way (Phil. 4:4-6).

5. Our very moving, acting, walking in this way is a pleasure and delight. Every good work is done with pleasure; the very labor of the way is pleasant. Carnal men wish duties were not necessary, and they are burdensome to them; but they are pleasant to us, because we do not gain holiness by our own carnal wrestling with our lusts and crossing them, out of carnal fear with regret and grief and setting conscience and the law against them to hinder their actings; but we act naturally according to the new nature, and perform our new spiritual desires by walking in the ways of God through Christ; and our lusts and pleasures in sin are not only restrained, but taken away in Christ; and pleasures in holiness freely given us and implanted in us (Rom. 8:5; Gal. 5:17, 24; John 4:34; Ps. 40:8 and 119:14, 16, 20). We have a new taste and savor, love and liking by the Spirit of Christ; and look on the law not as a burden, but as our privilege in Christ.

5th, it is a high exalted way above all other ways. Unto this way the prophet Habakkuk is exalted, when upon the failure of all visible helps and supports, he resolves to rejoice in the Lord and joy in the God of his salvation; and making God his strength by faith, his feet should be as hinds’ feet, and that he should walk upon his high places (Hab. 3:18-19). These are the heavenly places in Christ Jesus that God has set us in, being quickened and raised up together with Him (Eph. 2:5-6).

1. We live high here; for we live not after the flesh, but after the Spirit, and Christ in us with all His fullness (Rom. 8:1-2; Gal. 2:20 and 5:25). We walk in fellowship with God dwelling in us and walking in us (2 Cor. 6:16, 18). And therefore our works are of higher price and excellency than the works of others; because “they are wrought in God” (John 3:21); and are the fruits of God’s Spirit (Gal. 5:22; Phil. 1:11). And we may know that they are accepted and good by our gospel principles, which others have not (Rom. 7:6).

2. We are enabled to the most difficult duties (Phil. 4:12-13), and nothing is too hard for us. See the great works done by faith (Heb. 11; Mark 9:23); works that carnal men think folly and madness to venture upon (they are so great) and honorable achievements in doing and suffering for Christ.

3. We walk in an honorable state with God and on honorable terms, not as guilty creatures to get our pardon by works – not as bond-servants to earn our meat and drink, but as sons and heirs walking towards the full possession of that happiness to which we have a title, and so we have much boldness in God’s presence (Gal. 4:6-7). We can approach nearer to God than others and walk before Him confidently without slavish fear; not as strangers, but as those who are of His own family (Eph. 2:19-20). And this prompts us to do greater things than others, walking as free men (Rom. 6:17-18; John 8:35-36). It is a kingly way; the law to us is a royal law, a law of liberty, and our privilege; not a bond and yoke of compulsion.

4. It is the way only of those that are honorable and precious in the eyes of the Lord, even His elect and redeemed ones, whose special privilege it is to walk therein; no unclean beast goes there (Isa. 35:8-9). No carnal man can walk in this way, but only those that are taught of God (John 6:44-46). Nor would it have come into our hearts without Divine revelation (1 Cor. 2:6-10).

5. The preparing this way cost Christ very dear. It is a costly way (Heb. 10:19-20; 1 Peter 3:18).

6. It is a good old way, wherein you may follow the footsteps of all the flock (Jer. 6:16; Song 1:8).

7. It is the way to perfection. It leads to such holiness as shall in a while be absolutely perfect. It differs only in the degree and manner of manifestation from the holiness of heaven; there the saints live by the same Spirit, and the same God is all in all (1 Cor. 15:28; John 4:14); and have the image of the same spiritual man (1 Cor. 15:49). Here we have but the first-fruits of the Spirit (Rom. 8:23); and live by faith, and not by sight (2 Cor. 5:7); and are not full grown in Christ (Eph. 4:13). Sanctification in Christ is glorification began, as glorification is sanctification perfected.

Father of all Fathers.. pls revive us and send a revival of holiness within the church all over the world..
in JESUS name.


 2017/1/30 15:57Profile

 Re: Highway to Holiness by Andrew Murray

This is NOT a do nothing or passive state.

Look what He said here:

"It shows that all our good works and living to God are not by our own power and strength at all, but by the power of Christ living in us by faith; and that God enables us to act not merely according to our natural power, as He enables carnal men and all other creatures, but above our own power, by Christ united to us and in us through the Spirit. All men live, move and have their being in Him; and by His universal support and maintenance of nature in its being and activity, they act (Heb. 1:3), so that the glory of their acting as creatures belongs to God.

But God acts more immediately in His people, who are one flesh and one Spirit with Christ, and act not by their own power, but by the power of the Spirit of Christ in them, as closely united to Him and being the living temples of His Spirit; so that Christ is the immediate principal agent of all their good works; and they are Christ’s works properly, who works all our works in us and for us: and yet they are the saints’ works by fellowship with Christ, by whose light and power the faculties of the saints do act (Gal. 2:20; Eph. 3:16-17; Col. 1:11), so that we are to ascribe all our works to God in Christ, and thank Him for them as free gifts (1 Cor. 15:10; Phil. 1:11).

God enables us to act not by ourselves, as He does others, but by Himself. The wicked are supported in acting only according to their own nature, so they act wickedly. Thus all are said to live, move and have their being in God (Acts 17:28). But God enables us to conquer sin not by ourselves, but by Himself (Hos. 1:7); and the glory of enabling us does not only belong to Him, which the Pharisee could not but ascribe to Him (Luke 18:11), but also the glory of doing all in us.

And yet we work as one with Christ, even as He works as one with the Father, by the Father working in Him. We live as branches by the juice of the Vine, act as members by the animal spirits of the Head, and bring forth fruit by marriage to Him as our husband, and work in the strength of Him as the living Bread that we feed on. He is all in the new man (Col. 3:11), and all the promises are made good in Him (2 Cor. 1:20)."

 2017/1/30 16:31

Joined: 2016/6/4
Posts: 949
Johannesburg, South Africa

 Re: Highway to Holiness by Andrew Murray

Thanks for this post and the one of John Wesley, absolutely beautiful and encouraging!

Keep them coming 🙂


 2017/1/31 12:49Profile

Joined: 2008/10/30
Posts: 2265

 Re: Highway to Holiness by Andrew Murray

Such truths from this article resonate within my soul. It is good to have our real life experience of our faith confirmed by the teaching of the Word of God.

May our teaching and our experience be the same as this presented here and in the other by Horatius.

Bless the Lord oh my soul!

 2017/2/1 6:46Profile

 The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification

Here is A New Version, Put Into Modern English By Bruce H. McRae

 2017/2/2 14:21

Joined: 2012/9/25
Posts: 886


My brothers and sisters in JESUS may this get in our inner man in JESUS name..

"It shows that all our good works and living to God are not by our own power and strength at all, but by the power of Christ living in us by faith; and that God enables us to act not merely according to our natural power, as He enables carnal men and all other creatures, but above our own power, by Christ united to us and in us through the Spirit

If we role model our Jesus He modeled our Father..
We as His sons and daughters must role model JESUS..
Old testament teaches us to be Holy for He is holy lev 20:7
New testament teaches Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:heb 12:14

Easier said then done however.. by the power of Christ we can be Holy.. the only choice is one Obedience with the help of the LORD.. Send a revival of holiness LORD.. in this hour in the church in the nation in us.. in JESUS name....


 2017/2/2 20:17Profile

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