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 Europe is becoming a no God zone

Interesting article below from the Telegraph on the state of religion in Europe....... bro Frank

"How much longer will believers dare to stand up and be counted? Soon Europe, even London, the much-vaunted bastion of multiculturalism, will become No God Zones, banning any public display of religiosity. ‘For your own good’, the authorities will tell their pious citizens, "you must carry out your ancient rituals in secret. We cannot vouch for your safety otherwise." Believers will have to hide their precious religious symbols, and conceal their rites. Like the early Christians in the catacombs, they will lead lives in the shadow."

Full article here...

 2017/1/12 16:38

Joined: 2007/2/8
Posts: 2227

 Re: Europe is becoming a no God zone

Hi Appolus,
Thats the way of the EU.Look at it from their point of view.Its a point of view that excludes God but it has logic.
They think that if everyone is intermixed and interdependant they will only need one government,no one will miss their country because we will all be the same.
We that know God in personal way know that this view is logical but also viewed by God as sin.
It is a clear effort to undo the Tower Of Babel.
But the Christians havent learned either about the Tower of Babel ;that is that just when it looked like it was about to bring everyone together in a worldly unity God intervened and the opposite happened.God caused division.
The same thing has happened with the EU God Intervened and caused Brexit.He is preparing Britian for a revival I believe.
He not alone has caused this division in Europe but in the heavenlies he has caused a division.This is important because it will free up Britian for Revival.
Then amazingly a pro Brexit government has been swept into power in the America.I did think that it was envitable that God would be excluded from Europe unless their was a move of God.Then God Moved with the Political happenings in Britian and America that caused division in the world the same way he caused division at the Tower of Babel,
Yours Staff

 2017/1/12 19:10Profile

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