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Discussion Forum : News and Current Events : 70 Nations to Demand Division of Israel

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Joined: 2017/1/10
Posts: 29
Western Edge, North Dakota

 Re: 70 Nations to Demand Division of Israel

Praying for the peace of Israel but knowing it will come only come through the revelation of who their Messiah is, "and all of Israel shall be saved".

Truly disconcerting to watch the ferocity with which our current Administration is using the final throws of their influence to attack the very Apple of God's eye.

It is true that not all that are Israel are of Abraham, but we are commanded to pray for them, and to love the things which are dear to the heart of God.

The possible repercussions of this nationally and globally speaking are also of incredible concern. When half the US Congress turned their back and walked out on Israel's Prime Minister I realized a great breach in the eyes of God had occurred. This conference along with the recent UN Resolution is a further filling of the same cup.

The trump card I am so curious about is Trump... I personally had believed the Lord was going to seal the lid on the American coffin with the election of Hillary Clinton, which I believe we are sadly so worthy of. I believe this election is a small reprieve for our Nation and that our prayers became a Jonah before the Lord to grant us a span of time. Nineveh was still destroyed but not in that generation, may our Nation be granted like repentance!

Praying ardently for these circumstances, for they will have bearing on the future of my children. Interesting to watch DL Moody's prophecy that France would cease to be a great nation unfolding.

Bro. Chad

Chad C

 2017/1/14 11:15Profile

 Re: Bro Chadv

Brother can you provide a link to that prophecy by DL Moody regarding France.

Bro Blaine

 2017/1/14 11:28

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