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Joined: 2004/10/13
Posts: 2132


The reason I asked is because I have from the time of my salvation understood world events in light of how they will effect The US..all except for one event which seems to be different than what I have heard(ever), maybe 2 events..Since I take the Bible as literal and accept that it can be spiritual in its understanding, allegorical reading others takes on it is fascinating to me. I do believe that right now is a very good time for the American Christians to set their houses in order.

Quote(The thing I see is that Satan is doing his best to keep everyone from discovering who the man of sin really is.)

I will say this only because ....I saw our present day(30+ years ago), the heavens were slowly closing up as America suffered under more and more judgements/chastisements...this mode(?) stopped for a time, I understood the judgements the whys and the various hows when it came to them...during the short time of halting of the judgements things in America became good again...I will skip a lot here. Than suddenly the sky completely closed without warning and America was under the full wrath of God s judgement as our country was being nuked. I saw that part and understood the conditions prior and afterwards.

Than I heard but did not see, a man from Spain say "now it is time for us, now we can take our place", the angel that stood beside me had to translate his words for me..I understood a great many things here but from that day have always believed it was the antichrist and that he came from Spain...not sure why Spain, I have since looked at a great many books with tons of scripture as to why he comes from this area or that....Regardless we certainly are living in some very interesting times.


 2017/1/4 22:31Profile

Joined: 2008/8/13
Posts: 742


Hagar the Egyptian, bore Ismael with Abraham. Esau in Genesis 28:9 married Mahalath the daughter of Ismael.

These are now Islam, other nations of Islam are from great ancient powers north of Jerusalem.

Moslems of the south and their allies against moslems of the north and their allies (Gog)? Yet all of them want to destroy Israel (Psalm 83).

 2017/1/5 11:33Profile

Joined: 2004/10/13
Posts: 2132


if it wasnt spiritual when you look at that piece of land mass and how much the whole world either wants it or likes to meddle in Israels business, I mean ..its so small and would seem easily replaced, it amazes me how much the PLO and other muslim factions want that land, so did the crusaders, and others back beyond Rome, they dont know what they would do with it once they have it but they all want it...makes absolutely no sense. It must be a spiritual law where God owns it gave it to Abraham for Isaac and his offspring and because of that the whole world wants it as an open act of rebellion against God:/


 2017/1/5 20:00Profile

Joined: 2006/9/16
Posts: 2753


Why do pragmatic and statesmanlike world leaders erupt with emotional outbursts when Israel is discussed?

Why does the United Nations devote over 30 percent of its time and over one third of its resolutions to Israel - a tiny country with a population of only six million?

At present, the Arab nations from the Atlantic to the Persian Gulf number over 170 million people. They possess a land mass of 14 million square kilometers. Israel only controls 28,000 kilometers.

David Winter

 2017/1/5 21:15Profile

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