Hello community. My name is Aaron. I am blessed to have found sermonindex for the shared wealth of experience and insights into the words of God. I must tell you I am able to share this comment by the grace of God who causes me to stand. how is it I keep standing again? By the word of God. What keeps me from falling or worst yet blaspheming? Understanding the subject more clearly.I would like to recomend Mr Kenaston's audio sermon Blasphemy to everyone for its sincere address to me personally at a perfect time. Honestly I am a backslidden Christian afraid of failing my Lord and seeking direction to stay in his good grace once again.The sermon shed light that you too may be needing as I was. I hope you consider it. A servant of Christ. AaronP.s. This is the first and may be the last post I make. Please correct me if I have erred. Thanks.
Do share a link to the message here brother and may the Lord fully restore you so that nothing is lacking and your love for Him is strong.
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
Is this the sermon?The Common Blasphemy by Daniel Kenastonhttps://www.sermonindex.net/modules/mydownloads/singlefile.php?lid=12511&commentView=itemComments
Yes it is.