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Discussion Forum : Miracles that follow the plow : T.D. Jakes and Broken Windows

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Joined: 2005/2/24
Posts: 3422


Luke 8:11
11 ". . . The seed is the word of God."

How many cucumbers will you get from your garden if you never plant any cucumber seed? How much wheat will you harvest if you do not plant any wheat seed?

Jesus made it clear God's Word is a seed, so can you expect it to produce in your life without ever being planted there?

If prosperity is not preached to you, or you do not study and meditate on it yourself, it is not being planted. So do not be surprised when there is no harvest of abundance in your life.

Without Bible preaching you cannot expect people to have any faith on a subject. That is the situation now with "God's will is prosperity." Instead of prosperity, the opposite lie has usually been preached: to please God and be spiritual you must be poor.

No wonder so many Christians do not believe the will of God is their prosperity. They have not had the prosperity seed planted. The few that had it planted are being tempted to pull it up, because of so much negative preaching on the subject.

The more we proclaim it, the more the Body of Christ will believe it. The more we believe it, the more we will receive God's blessings. The more we prosper, the more we can help people, and the more God will be pleased.


 2005/6/9 10:25Profile

Joined: 2005/3/9
Posts: 15


I disagree that TD Jakes is a prosperity preacher. Whenever I hear him preach, he preaches the Word of God, and he cuts to the heart in dealing with many of the issues that are afflicting dysfunctional families today that the church seems to overlook or not address. I don't think that his "faith filled" messages are to be equated with "prosperity" preaching. I believe TD Jakes will go down in history as one of America's greatest preachers ever. This man has an incredible ability to "break the bread"...and without any notes in front of him. He has an amazing preaching gift that is reaching multitudes today. Prove all things and hold fast that which is good.

 2005/6/9 13:38Profile

Joined: 2005/4/26
Posts: 376
Mifflinburg, Pennsylvania


The little I know about Mr. Jakes is not enough to have an opinion about how he preaches. If he is preaching the gospel of wantonness and covetness of the things of this world that I've heard other prosperity preachers preach then his works will be burndt up as chaff.

In the mean time it bothers me that others are made murchandise by prosperity preachers that expect us to build their little kingdom here instead of putting our treasures in heaven. I've found these people to be liars though I realize many of them don't know they are deceiving and being deceived.

In Christ,

Gary Eckenroth

 2005/6/9 14:47Profile

Joined: 2005/6/14
Posts: 11
Bonham, TX


Without Bible preaching you cannot expect people to have any faith on a subject. That is the situation now with "God's will is prosperity." Instead of prosperity, the opposite lie has usually been preached: to please God and be spiritual you must be poor.

If this is the case, then why weren't Paul & the other apostles driving around the Roman Empire in "Lexus" brand chariots instead of walking in worn out sandals? Wasn't their faith strong enough?

Matthew 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

I liken these "prosperity" preachers to cannibals. They devour people's hopes & finances while they get fat & rich. They make God out to be a genie who is forced to fill our commands whenever we rub the bottle. They twist God's Word to fill their own greedy desires and in the process lead thousands astray and broken hearted.

Have you ever noticed that these "pastors" always want you to place your "seed" with their ministry? It's almost as if they are the only ones who God has authorized to take His tithes & offerings. I have yet to hear one mention that we should support our local ministries.

Jesus never promised that we would be materially rich. On the other hand He did say that our every need would be met. Now, do I need a new car, or do I want one? ;-) Our problem is that we have gotten our needs & wants mixed up. We need repentance & righteousness, but we want money & material things.


 2005/6/15 16:40Profile

Joined: 2009/8/7
Posts: 2


You should be moved by your OWN convictions, not those of others. So, if you disagree with a particular preacher's message or style, it does not mean that they are in "error"; however, its just not for YOU!

Touch not God's anointed, and do His prophets NO harm. Put your mouth on the Word of God and not mortal men.

God bless YOUR walk! It may be weak--check YOURSELF. :-D

 2009/8/7 10:19Profile

Joined: 2009/8/7
Posts: 2


Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who CORRECTLY handles the word of truth. 2 Tim. 2:15.

 2009/8/7 10:36Profile


"Touch not God's anointed, and do His prophets NO harm. Put your mouth on the Word of God and not mortal men." Aardyss

This presumes that all those who preach the Word of God are His anointed. But the Bible says otherwise or else Jesus would not have warned us of 'wolves in sheeps clothing' in the last days. It seems disingenuous to tell others to be moved by their own convictions and not to look at mortal man but the Word...... then imply that the person of topic, in this case Jakes, is God's annointed. I'm sure the same could have been said of Ted Haggard, Jim Bakker, or Paul Cain as 'anointed ones' at one point in time... and many were told to 'check themselves' before speaking against them. Just because someone preaches out of God's word doesn't mean they're anointed of God, the Bible says this clearly. Therefore the mouth of God's own word, in and of itself, is on mortal man whether it be speaking of their fruits or their deception and falseness. God's word speaks of mortal man, deals with mortal man, and warns mortal man about mortal men. If we haven't learned that lesson by now then Lord help us. I'm not for heresy hunters or fanatical nit picking but I am opposed to those who imply that we only need to keep our nose in the Bible and keep discernment to ourselves.

I've listened to Jakes... and he's definitely not for me.

 2009/8/7 11:04

 Re: Jakes

Jakes has been called a Trinity denying, pro homosexual Yoga promoter and of course a
money loving TV preacher.
No wonder he has such a large following.

 2009/8/7 13:55


Duct tape fixes everything! :-D

 2009/8/7 17:43

Joined: 2007/9/13
Posts: 1752


Ardyss wrote:


Touch not God's anointed, and do His prophets NO harm. Put your mouth on the Word of God and not mortal men.

First, one would need to be anointed, and a prophet, for this phrase to be accurate. 8-)


 2009/8/7 18:09Profile

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