William Carrol gave an excellent, fresh, anointed, helpful and encouraging word from the Lord last Sunday at Times Square Church.It was not a stale pre-packaged mix of leftover thoughs designed to create a mood, impression or applause but rather minister truth and life to the hearers.This brother is the real dealHow to protect your thought life,http://www.tscnyc.org/media_center.php?pg=sermons&mi=47787
Thanks for the link, will definitely listen to this message. You're right, this man is the real deal, there are many insightful messages from him on the TSC website. I can specifically recommend the 'Faith in Action' and the "Spiritual Warfare' series from him.In Christ,
_________________Ron Halverson
Your welcome RonHave listened to them and go back to them often.Also William Carrol's message series on the birth of fear were absolutely life altering for me.