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 Excellent message from a man of God

William Carrol gave an excellent, fresh, anointed, helpful and encouraging word from the Lord last Sunday at Times Square Church.
It was not a stale pre-packaged mix of leftover thoughs designed to create a mood, impression or applause but rather minister truth and life to the hearers.
This brother is the real deal

How to protect your thought life,

 2016/12/7 10:54

Joined: 2003/7/31
Posts: 2850
Phoenix, Arizona USA

 Re: Excellent message from a man of God

Thanks for the link, will definitely listen to this message. You're right, this man is the real deal, there are many insightful messages from him on the TSC website. I can specifically recommend the 'Faith in Action' and the "Spiritual Warfare' series from him.

In Christ,

Ron Halverson

 2016/12/7 19:34Profile


Your welcome Ron

Have listened to them and go back to them often.
Also William Carrol's message series on the birth of fear were absolutely life altering for me.

 2016/12/7 21:07

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