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Discussion Forum : Articles and Sermons : Words that almost all Christian leaders never say publicly

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 Re: PP

Brother there was no accusation in my post. Merely an observation. But I am courious as to your hostility toward this brother.


 2016/12/11 16:37

Joined: 2008/10/30
Posts: 2265

 Re: hostility

I looked for hostility toward Frank from PP, but found none.

Tell me Blaine, have you seen hostility toward anyone in any of Frank's posts?

 2016/12/11 16:51Profile

Joined: 2012/5/13
Posts: 2936


RE : ///Brother there was no accusation in my post.///

I was implying that as a whole group lets not bring accusations against frank, lets simply wait for his response to my question.

 2016/12/11 17:54Profile


Brother Blaine

Thank you for you kindness, God bless you. The Lord knows those who are his and it's obvious you are one of them. Read quite of few of your posts regarding the persecuted brethren and it is an encouragement to see your heartfelt concern and the much needed reminder to bring them before the Lord regularly.

 2016/12/11 18:54

 Re: PP

///I was implying that as a whole group lets not bring accusations against frank, lets simply wait for his response to my question.///

Brother I sincerely and humbly apologize for inferring hostility in your post. I did not understand the intent of your question. Again I posted too hastily and I apologize.

And no I have not detected any hostility in Frank's post. Those I have read of brother Frank have always been conciliatory. At least from my from my perspective.

Bro Blaine

 2016/12/11 19:03

 Re: Frank

///Brother Blaine

Thank you for you kindness, God bless you. The Lord knows those who are his and it's obvious you are one of them. Read quite of few of your posts regarding the persecuted brethren and it is an encouragement to see your heartfelt concern and the much needed reminder to bring them before the Lord regularly.///

You are most welcome my brother.


 2016/12/11 19:11


Brothers personally I do not believe that brother Frank is Carmine. At least not the Carmine we remember from this forum. I read Frank's posts and see that they are conciliatory and full of grace. If this is Carmine then he has undergone a heart change.

At this point I will accept the brother as brother Frank. And leave it at that.

Thus I will exit this thread.


 2016/12/11 19:14

Joined: 2008/10/30
Posts: 2265

 Re: full of grace?


You say,

"I read Frank's posts and see that they are conciliatory and full of grace."

All you'd have to do is read all of his posts in this thread alone, and when you do, tell me if you still stand by your statement above.

 2016/12/11 19:26Profile


Brother Greg These individuals are out of order in this forum with their incessant inquisition speculating about my name when they do not even disclose their real names as I have, What hypocrisy. The accusatory venom they are spouting in this very public forum proves the content of what I originally posted. Surely this not the typical behaviour that genuine christians model in online communities.
It's quite apparent that a serious mental (or demonic) disorder being manifested here. Thank you for your consideration.

 2016/12/11 20:01

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


Brother Greg These individuals are out of order in this forum with their incessant inquisition speculating about my name when they do not even disclose their real names as I have, What hypocrisy. The accusatory venom they are spouting in this very public forum proves the content of what I originally posted. Surely this not the typical behaviour that genuine christians model in online communities.


We have allowed this thread to continue and it has showed a lack of restraint in many cases of believers communications. These forums are not in-person and we cannot assume or try others motives, we just need to see to "edify" as that is Paul the Apostles cry in 1 Corinthians chapter 12. And the next chapter is having "love". Even if we are doctrinally right but do not have love in the midst of it we can be very wrong.

If you disagree with a brother or sister it is better you pray to the Lord about it instead of accusing by name. We can gracefully share our position or a scripture verse but to use words to hurt is a mis-use of our ability the Lord gives to communicate.

In the guidelines for the forums:

5. SPEAKING WITH GENTLENESS - Having mercy, gentleness, and meekness in our posts on the forums is not only good it is needful. Especially when there is not a face to face conversation one cannot understand a person's tone well so be extra careful to show forth your tone to people in the posts and try to ensure you are not accusing, or speaking angrily against another but adding positive affirmations and kindness into your posts. This will help to not give the devil any opportunity to bring division (Ephesians 4:27). For division, backbiting and sectarianism is carnality and we are not walking in the Spirit when doing so (Jude 1:19).

7. SLANDERING OTHERS - We have a zero tolerance on slander, evil-speaking and speaking against a person's character without warrant. 'Slander no one.' / 'to malign no one, to be peaceable, gentle, showing every consideration for all men.' NASB (Titus 3:2). This is a very important biblical principle and we ask that you would especially respect the biblical method of approaching a brother privately (Matthew 18:15). Also there are hundreds of websites in the internet that exclusively post wrong teachings, errors and question the character of Christians, we do not want SermonIndex to be seen as such a ministry and ask that all forum members do not participate in posting in what is wrong. We believe simply that truth dispels errors and to focus on the truth will shine a light into all the darkness.

Let us go forward with meekness towards each other and having in mind the larger picture of the entire body of Christ. "I appeal to you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another so that there may be no divisions among you and that you may be perfectly united in mind and thought." (1 Corinthians 1:10).

this thread is locked.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2016/12/11 21:09Profile

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