Jeremy221I do forgive you and you have always been a good one in my books.Regarding the post.Greg and a few others correctly led by the Holy Spirit discerned my motivation and replied accordingly to this post. Greg himself published his own new post a few days later primarily mirroring what I wrote initially. Good on him for hearing from the Lord and admitting what he felt was what the Lord was correcting him with, Now that is rare leader indeed and only increased his standing with many.Humility always elevates, pride always denigrates.The very religious void of understanding also replied accordingly using the accusatory methodologies their commander teaches them.
Do you know Carmine ?
Who is/was Carmine? Was he a member on SI who went by Rev____Note that Frank edited his last post to lessen the directness and sharpness of his accusatory dagger. But his other post in this thread he hasn't edited. That dagger still has his name on it as evidence against him.
RE : /// Who is/was Carmine? Was he a member on SI who went by Rev____///Yes, Carmine (Rev_Enue) from Toronto is the one that I am asking about.add : for clarity
Are you thinking that maybe Frank is Carmine's middle name? After all, he's only been a member for about 2 months, and he says that Jeremy221 has always been a good one in his book. Hmmmmm...sounds like he may have been around for a bit longer than just 2 months.
Greg wrote:"It does take humility and in the end the grace of God for anyone, perhaps especially a Christian leader of any type to change and admit failure in areas of leadership. "If it's not pride that stops christians from admitting fault then what is it?
FrankLiraCould you please answer this simple question : Do you know Carmine ?
///Saved and born from above by the grace of God Name is Frank I am a Christian saved and born from above by the grace of God, Jesus Christ is the Son of God and he is my Lord and Saviour. Hope to fellowship with the saints here. Psalm 84: 11 For the Lord God is a sun and shield; he bestows favour and honour.No good thing does the Lord withhold from those who walk uprightly.///Brothers does the above intro post from Frank sound like Carmon? I read Frank's post and they sound like they come from a heart of grace. Those of us who remember Carmen in this forum.......well you remember what his posts were like. I dont't pick that up with this brother.-bbs-
Lets leave all accusations out and allow frank to answer my question. I will explain the reasons for my question after he answers.
"...well you remember what his posts were like. I dont't pick that up with this brother."Blaine, have you read every post (64 in all) he's written?