To complete His mission, Jesus had to silence the voices of demons (Mr 1:25, 34; 3:11-12), the voices of those who would make Him famous (Mr 1:44; 5:43), the voices of His own disciples (Mr 16:20; 17:9), the voices of determined mobs who would have made Him King (Jn 6:14-15), and even the voice of precious tradition ( Mr 2:17, 23-28; Mr 3:1-6).Lastly, Jesus would have to silence the voice of His own soul. After crying to His Father, "Let this cup pass from me," He humbly resigned himself to "Thy will be done."Jesus would let nothing or no one keep Him from His mission. Not even His own self or desires.There are many voices out there that if heeded will get us off track. Perhaps the loudest voice to silence will be that of our own restless soul. Jesus silenced His while in prayer. Today, shut out all the noise and get alone with your Father. Let Him speak into your heart.