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 Re: Is this nit what we are to abide by?

DIVISIONS AND QUARRELLING - Having a healthy discussion on a topic, doctrine or important issue is allowed on SermonIndex. But if the subject discussion becomes heated and there is quarrelling it would be better to agree with your brother publicly in what you can and and hold to what you believe against him privately. This calls for great maturity and wisdom in speaking in humility. It is better to agree with a brother that you are Christians and not divide over non-essentials. Let us go forward with meekness towards each other and having in mind the larger picture of the entire body of Christ. "I appeal to you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another so that there may be no divisions among you and that you may be perfectly united in mind and thought." (1 Corinthians 1:10). [We have found that discussions pertaining to politics, conspiracy theories, calvinism/arminianism and others just produce strife and not the fruits of the Spirit so we ask saints not to start these discussion threads on SermonIndex.]

Brothers I believe before we joined this forum we were asked to read these guidelines and abide by them. It seems the spirit of this thread is clearly in violation of the SI guidelines. I'm surprised Greg has not locked the thread. But perhaps he is showing much grace and seeing if brothers would maturity and voluntarily refrain from this discussion of Calvinism vs. Arminianism.

Pray and ask yourself is this thread is promoting the fruit of the Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit being love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,goodnesd,faithfulness, gentleness, self control.

Greg has told us that this website has worldwide influence. Let us guard our hearts and tongues in the things that we say. And I'm speaking first of myself as I have posted contro things in violation of the SI guidelines. And have had to go back and repent under the conviction of the Holy Spirit.

Brothers Godly men down better than we down through the ages have argued that Calvinism vs. Arminianism theology. With the end result being no winner. In the end it will be God that will reveal truth to us when we get to heaven.

Brothers I am speaking ss one who came out of a Calvinistic position. My time spent in that movement was full of grief. For it was time spent in arguing the 5 points.. At that dark time in my life it was more important to bring people to the five canons of Dort then to bring them to the gospel. And no the canons of Dort are not the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

In praying for the persecuted church and hearing people from the front lines where to believe in Jesus can cost you your life. The more important thing is one's relationship and depth of walk with Christ when you are in the shadow of the cross. The persecuted believers have no time for theological arguments and speculations.

Brother let us agree to voluntarily refrain from this discussion and pull off this thread. Otherwise Greg will lock it down.

If anything let us seek for those things that will promote the unity of Christ in the fruit of the Spirit. I have asked God to give me grace to do this in my future posting. Brothers I ask that you do the same.

There has been too much controversy in this forum over issues such as praeterism and the head covering. Let us look for those things that will edify and encourage those that come to this website perhaps seeking the encouragement of Christ.

Again just an exhortation and a plea from a brother in Christ.

Simply my thoughts.


 2016/12/1 6:21

Joined: 2006/9/16
Posts: 2753


Oops and sorry for the double post which I have now deleted.

David Winter

 2016/12/1 10:56Profile

Joined: 2016/6/4
Posts: 949
Johannesburg, South Africa


Dear brothers,

Surely this is more than a " I am of Calvin I am of Arminius" discussion.

We cannot deny that election is taught in God's Word and there are valid points to be made?

Can any of us truly say we sought God out first? Even the desire to know Him, where did it come from? The grace to repent? The gift of faith to believe?
Why was I saved and born again and not the guy next to me?
Was it anything in me or God's choice and calling?

Let us humbly consider and not be afraid to face these truths head on without being a Calvinist or whatever.



 2016/12/1 13:38Profile


What you call, "outright blatant false teaching...a lie from the pit of hell...rubbish...", can be found on the sermonindex website by just clicking the link.

lol the day I get angry over what is written on this website is the day I will have lost my mind.

Savannah you repeated those words which means you believe them and now you are trying to shift the attention to this website. Disingenuous? Why not just be honest and admit this is what you believe and that you have an agenda to push this through sermonindex? Gosh, how long did it take you to find that particular sermon with those particualr words that you knew would stir up strife?

I don't have an issue with those who believe differently than me but I do think that the statement by calvinists that God does not love the WHOLE world is a lie from the pit and that is statement that is being pushed in this thread and should be removed and thrown into the rubbish heap where it belongs:-)

 2016/12/1 13:49


Savannah, just curious are you a member of a church or group that is similar to Westboro Bapstist? Because those are the sorts of groups that teach and spread lies that God hates sinners.

 2016/12/1 13:52

 Re: William

///Let us humbly consider and not be afraid to face these truths head on without being a Calvinist or whatever.///

Brother I did not believe the issue is whether we are afraid or not to face this true. It's when these truths become divisive.

I was once in the Calvinistic camp. And it was a very dark time for me. I will probably post that in a separate testimony on another thread.

I have copied and pasted the SI guidelines over which Greg asked that we not start these discussions. But some are disregarding his instructions and his authority over this website and initiating these discussions. At this point it seems to me that some have an agenda to push through the doctrine of Calvinism. And that in clear violation of the SI guidelines. Greg would have every right to ban them from the forum as others have been banned for pushing through their particular agenda.

Simply my thoughts.

 2016/12/1 14:00

Joined: 2016/6/4
Posts: 949
Johannesburg, South Africa


Thanks brother Blaine for your gentle response, always appreciated.

I think Greg may be gracious to those of us who are new to the forum 😊 and may go over some things covered before.

I would like the points of view put forward respectfully so we can make informed decisions, however, if this is not possible I also agree that we rather make no comments at all.



 2016/12/1 14:19Profile

Joined: 2011/10/21
Posts: 2009
Dothan, Alabama


Brother William,

I do readily and wholeheartedly confess both election and predestination and have only one fear (besides God Himself) and this is that I might fail His grace and cheat the Lord Jesus out of that for which His blood was shed, however (for me) these two doctrinal points speak not of salvation but speak directly to sanctification or Christ likeness. For surely everyone who is saved is elect and therefore predestined to be conformed into the image of Christ:)

A bit of humor to lighten the tension...
"I've never met a soul who confessed the doctrine of election that didn't believe themselves to be one of the elect, and often their friends and family were too" ;)

Ha! It would be a strange thing to hear a person confess the doctrine of election being clearly authored by Holy Spirit in the scriptures only to hear them say, "but it really stinks that I'm not one of the elect"

No offense intended to anyone who holds this doctrine just hoping to offer an opportunity to smile and rejoice in the Lord, for wether it is by free will or unconditional election, He is faithful and is worthy of our worship, So I will praise Him and worship Him because He is good to me😇


 2016/12/1 14:29Profile

Joined: 2016/6/4
Posts: 949
Johannesburg, South Africa


Well said Fletcher 😄 and I agree that when we're in heaven ,standing shoulder to shoulder singing: Worthy the Lamb that was slain! we will not be concerned with why we are there but just humbled that we are there at all, and eternally grateful!



 2016/12/1 14:35Profile

Joined: 2012/2/8
Posts: 6650


William I appreciate your heart in this matter.

When you take these discussions on Calvinism and go as deep as you can go after all the layers are peeled away, what is left is a person's view of God's sovereignty. I agree that God is sovereign, He answers to nobody and He does what He wants. The issue is whether he meticulously causes every event in the universe to happen, including the movement of subatomic particles and choices made by people, or whether He leaves some room for free choice to be made. I have said before that if God foresees and causes every little minute thing that ever happens, then one of His attributes along with omniscience and omnipotence must be omni-boredom. Note that I am not saying that God could not do this; I just can't believe that He does- because an honest reading of scripture would lead a person to believe that people make real choices (not pretend pre-programmed choices) and therefore God is justified in holding them accountable. What I cannot countenance is the idea that people make the wrong, pre-programmed choices (that God chose for them to make) and God STILL holds them accountable (even ultimately consigning them to a place of torment). That would not be very nice, to say the least. In fact a person might call that monstrous, if it was not God we were talking about.


 2016/12/1 17:15Profile

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