Right now, I believe the Church needs a refresher course on God’s majesty and power, much like Job was given. The Lord said to Job, in essence:“What is all this dark, hopeless talk I hear from you? Stand up and listen to Me. I laid the foundation of the earth; I made the light and the darkness; I created the rain, snow, ice and wind; I gave wings to birds and I feed the beasts of the field. I control all of nature.“Tell me, Job, who can thunder with a voice like Mine? Who can look into every man’s heart and see its condition? Who is able to identify the arrogant, locate them, and then bring them low?” (see Job 38).Beloved, the same God who knows the name and address of every proud person also knows your name, your address, your condition. And He will keep you in His heart all of your days, through every calamity. To accept this is to live by faith.If I live by faith, I will not fear for the future of God’s people or the Church in calamitous times.“Upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18).This pledge from Jesus has emboldened the faith of generations. And it is meant to sustain us now in our present global calamity.
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon