Below are a few visions given almost 50 years ago to sister Annie, as told to R. Edward Miller, whose audio sermons can be found here: The visions have to do with the end times:
As I seek the Lord in prayer, I realize that these things that He is showing me, concerning Himself and the mysterious works that He is doing and bringing to pass, are not so much a revelation of Himself in His divine essence as they are revelations of Himself in relation to the things that He is bringing to pass in His church and on the earth, at this pinnacle hour which is now upon us. Whereas at first I could not relate the things He showed me, He is now giving me to understand in many ways that these things are all interrelated, and are but different parts of His present dealings, which are to be made manifest in due order, time and process.
Today He showed me strange, strong pains and sufferings that shall accompany the Holy Thing that He is bringing forth, as it were, out of His own being. The tremendous storm of pain and suffering accompanying this coming manifestation shall break forth simultaneously with it, and shall be provoked by that holy, new beginning; the manifestation that He is going to bring forth and place in His chosen ones.
In this place of great pain I sensed terrible sufferings, martyrdoms and all kinds of persecutions. Although I could not see them, I felt their terrible pain. At the same time, I was held in a place of complete peace, sweetness and tranquility. The thought occurred to me that it was almost a deceitful thing which He was about to give to His own ones, for although it was so high and holy, nevertheless, it would bring forth strong provocations, terrible reactions and much suffering, pain and persecution. The chosen ones who receive this Holy Thing from Him shall also receive the pain and the suffering provoked by it, for that Holy Thing shall be tremendously shocking to those who are in opposition to God.
The next day, while in prayer, the Lord took me again into the same place of pain and suffering, and this time I understood the reason for the strange, double reactions. Though the storm that shall break over His own ones shall be terrible as He brings them into this new place of beginnings in Him, yet at the same time, he shall bring them into a high and glorious peace and security.
This high state of peace, tranquility and security has not yet been given to His own ones, but will be given when these things which He is about to pour out upon them are fulfilled, and when He brings forth into full manifestation that Holy Thing that He will bring forth into the world through them. At that time they shall know and participate in this sense of security.
Now His own ones fear, because as yet it has not been given them to know or understand this high state of security. Later, although great and terrible sufferings come to them, nevertheless, because of this place in God into which they will be enabled to enter, there will be absolutely no fear whatsoever. His own will not fear pain, death nor persecutors, for they will be held in God, and experience this high place in Him in which there is no disturbance of their peace or tranquility of mind or spirit.
He showed me His elect ones whom He was preparing, and the endless variety of ways, preparations and treatments that He was giving to each one. No two received the same dealings from God. Each person experienced his own type of persecutions, oppressions, attacks from the evil one, and their accompanying dealings of God. No one was passed over; no one escaped these dealings. Some processes were pleasing, some were painful; yet all were of God. These continued until all of His own were brought forth to one and the same condition. This condition was a mark of distinction, was visible, obvious, tangible and evident, even in the world of the invisibles.
This one great condition into which they would be brought by these multitudinous processes was something inworked within them. There had been, as it were, a cutting out and a doing away with something in order that this new thing might be implanted and ingrafted in fullness. I realized that this essential condition which made them all alike (in spite of such varied processes) was that each one had within him the perfect will of God. This outstanding condition made them all alike: through these processes that He had chosen for them, He brought them to possess this high and holy position; they became as it were, His perfect will.
The Lord took some of His own and wounded them, opening a hole in them and as it were, piercing their spiritual bodies so that all the putrification and poison within could be released; and because the whole being was filled with this noxious, poisonous and toxic substance, a great quantity gushed forth from the place that He pierced. After he had taken out the poisons, He also drew out a certain life that was death in the form of life, and replaced it by another life; so that at no time was there any part left empty. In reality, when He had finished the process, He had taken nothing out and there was no loss whatsoever.
The life that took the place of the death-life was distinct and completely different; it was life in perfection which was a reflection of Himself. This new life came in through the wound that He had opened to allow the poisons and the death-life to be withdrawn. He told me that only by this wounding or piercing could those who were coming into Him in this present hour be freed and released from this poison. Of late, He has insisted repeatedly that this purifying process which would bring forth this cleansing wound is neither pleasant nor attractive, but painful to His own.
Then He showed me a wave of gigantic proportions that would sweep over all the earth, and would reach every one that would be coming into what God is now doing, and would push and carry forth this purifying process into fulfillment. Those who entered into Him would be picked up and struck by this wave, and would be wounded and thus purified; the others, who rejected this wave and special wounding, would go off into a side-track. Sadly enough, I found that they obtained what they desired from God, but they did not find God in it. These would be greatly disappointed at having been left out of what God is now doing for those of His own ones who will listen to Him, and following Him in love, permit this special wounding.
As I entered the presence of God, I saw the storm approaching - that great, angry, black cloud of evil that covers all - the time of great suffering and persecution that is already gathering its powers and forces together. I realized that before this storm breaks, His people must possess Him in a very intimate and personal way, a possession which can only be attained through a love relationship with Jesus. However, this love is far, far deeper than the glorious and beautiful love which flows freely in a fleeting moment of blessing; this is the state of love abiding within the heart as the one strong, constant and unfluctuating foundation of the inner being. I saw that such a relationship or possession formed a mighty covering power of God over His own ones, which was filled with grace and light and mighty strength, like a great, invisible mass which cannot be divided or separated in any way.
I was shown the enemy rushing against that covering in great fury and with much blustering; but they collided against that mighty covering of grace and light and were thrown back. They could do nothing against it. This covering was effective as long as the love relationship with Jesus was constantly nurtured and maintained; it cold never be retained apart from that feeding and nurturing, but was at the disposal of His own ones as long as the connection with Him was maintained. Some, even of His own ones, who had not entered this place of possessing Him in intimacy, saw only the storm, and could not see any higher than that cloud of evil and darkness, for the storm had the power to cut off their vision of Him.
There were others, however, who learned to come into Him and possess Him, to the extent that they knew they were His and He was theirs. This intimate communion with Jesus, this state of constantly loving Him, this life lived with Him and in Him, was such a covering and protection that they had no fears. They were filled with security and peace. God opened their eyes to see Him high and triumphant, ruling above the storm, and they were not afraid. Because of this, the storm could not enter into them to possess them at all." _________________ SI Moderator - Brandy Gordon