You won't hear this reported on CNN or Fox News because news programs sell spin and controversy. Good news won't raise ratings.You won't hear this from America's pulpits because America's churches are in a state of separation. Her pastors have abdicated their biblical civic responsibilities to secular politicians in exchange for 30 pieces of tax-exempt silver.Most pastors and church-goers can't name their representative or senators, much less pray for them daily or name one piece of legislation they're working on. Nor do they know that most likely the lawmakers sleep on their office couches because they can't afford to rent an apartment in the nation's most expensive city.It upsets me when I hear all the doom-and-gloom "prophetic words" about how Congress is nothing but a bunch of crooks. Most of these spiritual giant slayers have never stepped a foot into the Capitol or visited their congressman. They have no clue of what God is doing in their government or that God has big future plans for it. Their opinions are shaped more from media spin and propaganda than a biblical worldview of God's end-times agenda for governance.Do I believe America is in a period of judgement? Yes! Most definitely. God has given us over to our selfish desires. Yet the biblical pattern for national revival is almost always preceded by a time of judgment. "The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether."read more:
Amen and Amen Brother.May the HOLY GHOST GO INTO THE WHITE HOUSE AND TURN OVER THE TABLES.. MAY THE LORD GIVE US THE BOLDNESS THAT WE NEED IN THIS HOUR AND WORDS OF WISDOM AND WORDS OF KNOWLEGE AND SPEAK TO US IN DREAMS AND VISIONS AND GIVE US THE PLANS OF THE EVIL ONE IN JESUS NAME.. MAY HE RELEASE HIS WARRING ANGELS TO BREAKT HE CHAINS OVER THIS NATIONMAY THE ANGELS BE WING TO WING AROUND US AND OUR FAMILIES AS WE FIGHT IN THE SPIRIT IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME.Psalm 72:16 and Micah 4:1-3, clearly state that in "the last days" God will take a remnant of believers (wheat) and plant them in the tops of world governments (tops of the mountains) and build "the house of the Lord," beginning in the top levels of the world's governments. The resulting consequences of God's moving in world governments would then shake the earth with revival. "Come, let us go up to the mountain of the house of the Lord."