I recieved this letter:Dear Friends, Our precious Shelby went to be with the Lord this evening (5/31/05) at 7:15pm. Please pray for strength for our family with the upcoming decisions and work that needs to be done. We were all in the livingroom singing when she left us. We know that she is well now and in a better place. Because of Christ, Holly for the Kennedy Family
Praise God.. heaven is our home. We will all soon be there to bring account of our lifes, to see if our name was written in the lambs book of life. May we all look forward to that day.
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
This, coupled with your subject line brother says it all...[i]"We were all in the livingroom singing when she left us.[/i]"Praying for peace and strength towards the family.
_________________Mike Balog