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Joined: 2003/10/9
Posts: 172
Ex-England colony of Australia

 Absolute Surrender by Andrew Murray

Here are some quotes from Andrew Murray's book Absolute Surrender. I'm not even sure if I'm doing it the right way, "slap" me if I'm not.

"Man Cannot; The one stage is when a man is trying to do his utmost and fails, when a man tries to do better and fails again, when a man tries much more and always fails. And yet, very often he does not even then learn the lesson: With man it is impossible to serve God and Christ."

"Peter spent three years in Christ's school, and he never learned, it is impossible, until he had denied his Lord, went out, and wept bitterly. Then he learned it."

"But again, we come to the question of absolute surrender, and feel that that is lacking in the Church of Christ. That is why the Holy Spirit cannot fill us, and why we cannot live as people entirely separated unto the Holy Spirit. That is why the flesh and the self-life cannot be conquered."

"Some are crying to God for a great revival. I can say that this is the unceasing prayer of my heart. Oh, if God would only revive His believing people."

"O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death? I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord" (Romans 7:24,25)

Jouko Hakola

 2003/10/16 4:04Profile

Joined: 2003/4/17
Posts: 124

 Re: Absolute Surrender by Andrew Murray

I have read many books by Andrew Murray, but Absolute Surrender is still my absolute favorite.

Andrew Murray does a great job of showing the difference in Peter before and after the day of Pentecost, and the difference in the apostle Paul between Romans 7 and 8 where he discovers the power of the Spirit to live an overcoming life.

I would recommend this book to anyone struggling with the Christian life or anyone who believes it is inevitable that we will sin every day.


 2003/10/16 6:41Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


I personally haven't read this book, but I do have a copy of it and have heard alot of great things about it.

[img align=left][/img] [b]Absolute Surrender by Andrew Murray[/b]
List Price: $4.99
Your Price: [b][color=990000]$3.99[/color][/b]

[url=]Order this book from WRT books at 20% off and save $1.00[/url]

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2003/12/20 2:13Profile

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