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Joined: 2016/6/4
Posts: 949
Johannesburg, South Africa

 what is the Spirit saying unto us?

I believe strongly, and this was confirmed by the Holy Spirit in the church I attend last Sunday (not by the preacher but by Him speaking to my heart during worship) that He is calling us to this: "It is time to consecrate ourselves to the Lord in a new, deeper consecration. Prepare a sacrifice for Him, the whole burnt offering of your whole life...and when the sacrifice is ready and acceptable,the fire from Heaven will consume it and the true glory of God will again be seen in His church!"

Romans 12 from verse 1: "...I urge you, brothers,by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy,acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service..."

Why should we do this?

Revelation 5 verse 9-10: "You (Jesus) are worthy to take the book, and to open its seals, for you were slain, and BOUGHT US for God with Your blood......and made us kings and priests to our God and we will reign on earth"

Brethren, this is the reason: We are BOUGHT with a price, we are no longer our own, but His!
One died for all, therefore all died, and those who live should live no longer for themselves but for the One Who died....



 2016/8/31 2:35Profile

Joined: 2006/11/26
Posts: 5185

 Re: what is the Spirit saying unto us?

"I believe strongly, and this was confirmed by the Holy Spirit in the church I attend last Sunday (not by the preacher but by Him speaking to my heart during worship) that He is calling us to this: "It is time to consecrate ourselves to the Lord in a new, deeper consecration. Prepare a sacrifice for Him, the whole burnt offering of your whole life...and when the sacrifice is ready and acceptable,the fire from Heaven will consume it and the true glory of God will again be seen in His church!"

Brother, this is so much of God what you have shared. Just a couple weeks ago in our fellowship, the Spirit of God was emphasizing that we are to present our bodies unto the Lord as a living sacrifice. We began to pray that the fire of God would fall upon us. I was moved by the Spirit to share with the church that we want the fire of God to fall, but in order for that to happen, we must first give ourselves to the Lord in presenting our bodies unto the Lord as living sacrifices. When this is done, the fire will fall.


 2016/8/31 9:28Profile

Joined: 2016/6/4
Posts: 949
Johannesburg, South Africa


Amen Mike, thanks for sharing that.

There just is no other way.



 2016/8/31 10:02Profile

Joined: 2012/9/25
Posts: 886

 Re: what is the Spirit saying unto us?

Amen I agree.. the spirit has been calling me to a deeper place of separation. We are HIS ambassadors and must move as the SPIRIT leads.. OBEDIENCE is essential in this HOUR..
in JESUS name May we have notorious obedience to HIM and die to all of our agendas and move quickly when THe HOLY GHOST says.. In Him


 2016/9/11 20:15Profile

Joined: 2008/10/25
Posts: 3699
East TN for now!

 Re: what is the Spirit saying unto us?

by StirItUp
I believe strongly, and this was confirmed by the Holy Spirit in the church I attend last Sunday (not by the preacher but by Him speaking to my heart during worship) that He is calling us to this: "It is time to consecrate ourselves to the Lord in a new, deeper consecration. Prepare a sacrifice for Him, the whole burnt offering of your whole life...and when the sacrifice is ready and acceptable,the fire from Heaven will consume it and the true glory of God will again be seen in His church!"

Romans 12 from verse 1: "...I urge you, brothers,by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy,acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service..."

Why should we do this?

Bro, I say this with all humbleness, our spirits witnessed with your spirit before we even got to the end of the 1st paragraph. This was from the Lord.

Thank you for sharing it with us,


 2016/9/11 20:31Profile

Joined: 2016/6/4
Posts: 949
Johannesburg, South Africa


Thank you, beloved, for your agreement.

May our gracious Lord help us to do what we have heard!

May it be said of us as Paul said: I did not receive the grace of God in vain...

God bless,


 2016/9/12 0:56Profile

Joined: 2016/3/11
Posts: 301


I am greatly encouraged by this word and do also bear witness that I perceive that it is the burden of the Lord in this hour - though I would also say that a large part of the complete offering of ourselves to Him (after that we ensure that our conscience bears witness that we are, by His grace, loving Him with all our heart, mind, soul and strength) is that we love our neighbors as ourselves and that we truly love the brethren and serve them and wash their feet and lovingly and patiently (and truthfully) lead them to this whole-heart consecration and a life lived in the fear of God.

I am encouraged by your sharing this word to exhort us to "walk worthy" of the Lord and this high calling because I know that if it is in our heart to will to do His will and see this come to pass in our lives, He is faithful and will work in is to will and to do it - He will lead us in paths of righteousness for His name's sake.

Thank you for sharing this loving and faithful word. Grace, peace and joy to you - and holiness in Christ - in the mighty Name of our King, Jesus!

And thank you Jesus for revealing this to our brother and so lovingly encouraging us to walk in the light of your life. We are yours, please help us give you what you deserve: all of us!

~ Forrest

 2016/9/12 2:20Profile

Joined: 2016/6/4
Posts: 949
Johannesburg, South Africa


Amen Forrest.

We will encourage one another to greater heights in Christ until we see Him face to face!

I pray that not one of us lag behind in zeal for the Lord, the Lover of our souls! And that we serve Him faithfully and fervently all our earthly days.

God bless,


 2016/9/12 7:12Profile

Joined: 2008/10/25
Posts: 3699
East TN for now!


I was speaking with my cousin Kim and sharing this thread with her and she got all excited and said too, "I feel the Lord wooing me to draw closer to Him more than I ever have."

We encouraged one another in the Lord! He is good!!


 2016/9/12 21:17Profile

Joined: 2016/6/4
Posts: 949
Johannesburg, South Africa


Thanks sister Lisa for sharing that.

Being weak as we are, though the spirit is willing, we need all the encouragement we can get, in the power of the Holy Spirit!
We also need to check in with our brethren every now and then, to see how we are doing in this race and to lift up those who have grown weak for whatever reason.



 2016/9/13 1:33Profile

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