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Discussion Forum : Revivals And Church History : Miss Bertha Smith’s List of Sins

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Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 Miss Bertha Smith’s List of Sins

When Miss Bertha gave her prayer retreats, she would spend the first 2-3 days of the retreat on sin.

According to Gerald Melton, “She would get people so burdened and so agonizing over their sin they couldn’t stand it. Everyone had to make out a sin list. She usually would let them start praying until the 3rd day to make sure they were convicted enough”.

Please click here to print a copy of the Sin List from A-Z.

Miss Bertha would tell people to ask the Lord to examine your heart. Confess every known sin to Him. If the sin is against the Lord, then confess it to the Lord. If the sin is against an individual, you need to go to them and make it right. Then pray that the Lord will fill you with the Holy Spirit. After you have completed this task and only then will you be on praying ground. If you want to have a productive prayer life, then follow Miss Bertha’s advice.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2016/8/30 23:16Profile

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