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 A prophecy from three or four years ago

this is something i feel led to repost again, with added interpretation...

I thought I might post a prophecy that came to me two years ago ,while I was in the middle of posting a devotional on sermon index forum , it is the oridginal copy so it has spelling errors . I dearly want a revivle and had prayed for one for a few years and fasted regularly for a year or two ,and received a word one day that it was coming ,but nothing came after more the a year of weekly fast,and I sort of lost confidence that it was coming ,,then one night ,this came and renewed my confidence.
I kept fasting and praying and ,but felt that lord is calling us to seperate our selves for a season of just seeking revivle and putting aside other duties and blessings and activitys and to dig our heals in so to speak ,until he comes with a strong anointing ,even putting aside petition meetings and bible study ,to just seek the lord and minister to him in plain praise worship and supplication ,with the goal of a greater move of the holly spirit , and I feel he wants this to be done not on my own ,but as in the book of acts, shows a group of seekers seeking just the lord nothing else not blessings or healings or miricals,,of which these I truly want as well, but rather putting plane seeking God on the top of the list and continue till he comes .......

But any way here's that prophecy I hope you are blessed by it as a few others were and I hope the time has not passed and I'm to late

a season of seperation Reply To This Post | Edit |
come reckon your selfs dead unto sin

come to a quite place ,and look ,,see the lord

he is hanging on the cross for us

see the blood

the pain

watch the scracrfice of the holy lamb

see how he offers him self to god for us

listen, hear the earth quake

and cry of the lamb
listen to the cords of sin break ,wile he screams

behold ,behold ,what he speaks
my god my god my whydid you have to for sake me

it is finished

he has broken the head of the snake

the propishiation ,the offering is compleat

the son has set you free

and you are free indeed

he has broken the power of sin over his people

truly this was the son of god

who was brusied for our iniquity
the chastisment of or peace was upon him
he bore our sins,listen to his pain
and by thsese strips we are heald

the cords of sin are gone

the leash of iniquity ,has been releasd

he has set you free from the leash of slavery

sin has not dominion over us

he condemed sin in the fleash

you are free ,he set you free

recken your selfs dead unto sin

sins dominion,was nailed to the cross

he who new no sin became sin
cursed is he who hung on the tree

the curse is left you ,,now you leave the curse on that tree

leave your old master ,on that cross

resiste the devil ,and he will flee from you

take the grain of mustard seed on thy lips

let it sprout and grow and fruit
confess the truth to one another

he set you free
indeed you are free

the cross has set you free
what was naid to the alter
beacme your freedom

rejoyce now in your liberty
wher sin abounded
grace abounded more

he set you free

step out from the old traps
dont let the traps in tangle you,you are allready free
you are a new creatour now
walk by faith
for i know my sheep
and they follow me
undure the narrow path ,that i made for you
and you are saved

no one is able to pluck you out of my hand

you have crusafied the flesh ,and it passions

listen to the screams of the flesh

there death has come
as a flower of the field passes away ,when i make the sun rise ,,the flower has been cut from you ,walk away now

dont hold onto ,a cut rose and look at its dieing atraction

walk now ,to the tomb ,behold ,and see im not there

iam vindacated ,so are you you ,come to me ,hold me

see that it is me ,but hold thy brothers by the hand ,and bring him to me ,,pull him away
from the roses ,,leave him not on the out skirts of the camp ,,lead him through the gate to my feet where i hung for you ,,forget your different doctrines ,like my two twin sons ,that i raised up for my sake and for your sake ,and remember my firsts furneral
and the spirit that was there that i gave for the bond of peace

and hold each ones hand with a brothererly kiss for a seconed

and look to me ,,remembering your self

and i shal lift you in my sancfication ,which i sangatfied you with,, touch not my libertys with all you heart

but touch my hands and feet ,and my side ,with all your stare ,,seperate your self for a season

and then you will know that i have seperated you for ever

seperated your self ,the season is come

and the season itself wil seperate you

it is the season for rain ,.

come and be washed in this new rain of old

blow the trumpet ,there is a wet season ,and a flood

this flood will only go down a narrow tribuatary ,this season

but the richness in the water ,will feed the trees ,and the trees will indeed bare fruit ,and the fruit will be stored in my barns ,and will feed the thoses thirsty ,in the dry season wich is near ,and thay shal ask and it will be givern ,,this will produce a different harvest ,from the last four ,,it will be my best fruit in the last miniute of my last hour of my last days ,

and behold this will prepare my way and make my paths strait ,,my propherts are coming,for i my self have raised
them before the world was ,and i will led them as i led you and you will surly know who are olive trees in the season to come ,,,,

now i call you ,all,, to repent ,and i do no your works , even my propherts ,and my pastors

all of you at this time shall repent

and hear what your evalasting father is saying to you

listen to me ,as you are my children ,,and i have some things more for all of you

some shall do the first works
and other shal you do the works that you hav never done yet

and even my weak waywould son whom i speak through this miniute,,he must dig verry deep and repent and do works he has never done and bare fruit of deep repentance ,and prove his love to me

my grace is sufishent

and i will suply according to need

this is what the lord is saying to you

my word is in you

and in your mouth

listen to what the spirit is saying to you tonight.......

the preparation,is the separation Reply To This Post | Edit |
im posting this regaring the prophecy ,in my last topic ,,a season of seperation

brothers i recieved that word wile iwas in the middle of
typing the first part of my exortation

im no prophert ,thats for sure ,and do not wish to be due to fear of the responsability

but i feel this was a prophecy

i typed as the words came from my heart into my mind ,

i relise there are mistakes in it ,because it is a falable prophecy ,unlike scripture

i dont have a full interpratation of what it means

but a section of the prophecy that i focased on , ifeel god may have givern me an undestanding

due to the fact that there are many carasmatics on this fourm ,i was expecting some responce ,,even negative

but i see no spiriual gifted brother has botherd to say anything ,,,which i find strange

the part im focaced on is the part about the rain ,and the tress,and the fruit and the barns
and the narrow creek or tributary

to start with this is not speaking about a regular revivle an awakening in the useaul scence

it more of a blessing of the spiritual presence upon some christan on sermon index and some others else where ,,like some of those loved ones we are close to

he stands at the door and knocks
if any one hears is voice ,open the door and i will come into him and dine with him,and he with me

god has herd our prayers for a personal revivle that some of have been praying for many years for,a strong anointing of his spirit ,,,he has let me know this ,he will answer our prayers ,,,,but there is a field in our heart that need to be plowed, first ,and trencehs need to be dug through the field that run to the tribuatary ,the ground need to be broken up ,,to save me typing more then i need ,that other exortation in the general topics ,,called the greatest question,,touches on what needs to be done to help get through the fallow ground

back to the prophecy

it will be a rich potent move of gods spirit in some certatint indaviduals ,that hear what the sprit is saying to church

certaint ones will be impowerd and givern great faith ,,and there gifts will begin and return to baring fruit ,,,the time of apostacy is here ,and those who are freshly anointed with this move of gods spirit ,,will minister a true spritual power and witness to certaint other members of the body of christ ,,this wont be a noticable thing in christiandom ,,it will be more of a hidden renewal amongts certaint christan ,,,

the dry season is soon when the apostacy seems to be extreamly strong ,like never before ,,,and this hidden move of the spirit will feed ,and prepare the certaint other indaviduals ,and shelter thm from the seducing spirits ,and doctrines of demons

im asuming ,that this is talking about america,and maby australia ,,im not sure about ,,this is only my interprataion

then theses certain other christan ,,will be caught up with the spirit of prayer and suplacation ,,and begine to pray for a revele ,and i asume an awakening ,,they will ask and it will be givern

this will produce a different fruit from the last four

i dont know what the last four means

and im not sure what a different haverst is either

it may be that that harvest will be a another type of great awkening ,and some power full propherts will arise out of that harvest ,,im not at all certaint

blessings brethern...

A responce by andrew kelly ,a former member here

Re: Preparation is separation! Reply To This Post |
Brother Gary. Please find an exposition of your prophecy as I have been led to present it. Needless to say you must test this and decide whether to reject it or receive it as an accurate measure of what you have spoken. It has been a real blessing to me. Such a blessing. Thank you.

Part prophetic interpretation.

Initial features

Rain, Trees, Fruit, barns tributary or stream.



The prayers of those who have been praying for God to move in revival of the saints and the salvation of sinners over many years.

1st Effect

An awareness of God’s presence in the spirit (holiness and obedience). The awareness will come to a few on Sermon Index and a few others who are related to them in love. Close family members who also believe.


This awareness will be characterised by a desire to be dressed in readiness. To respond to the Lord knocking at the door of the hearts of these few.

Method of being both prepared personally (obedience)

Being prepared as instruments in God’s latter works. The field of the heart must be ploughed according to God’s pattern. This is a general ploughing to an end of making furrows which flow down to the tributary or stream. (The channels of true spiritual vitality. Deep and Certain. Feeding God’s purposes through obedience and a willingness to suffer through being prepared.

2nd Effect

Certain individuals will begin to once again bear fruit. 1st and 2nd effect equals “certain individuals” (though their functions will be different). The first “few” will be intercessors for men” before God. The second will be the beginning of a witness before men (saints).

Spiritual Atmosphere

Increasing apostasy and an unwillingness on the part of saints to serve God generally

3rd Effect

The “certain Individuals” of the 2nd effect will be the increasing of the witness of the 2nd effect comprehended by the manifest power of God. (Speech and increasing Speech & Visible Authority within this small group of saints). This being to a still “invisible” but broader number of saints. These broader number of saints are the 3rd effect. God’s purposes in this are still not comprehended by many. Only those who are labouring in obedience according to their part given and received according to the obedience of the Ploughed Field of Preparation.


SOON. A sense of the thief in the night. Always an attitude of SOON. (Continued Holiness and a willingness to remain Faithful and Obedient). This is a dry season of testing characterised by continuing and increasing apostasy. A time of discernible increase. A measure not seen before. Apostasy and a lack of willing support is DRYNESS. Beware dissatisfaction leading to one’s own dryness. Beware sudden unfaithfulness. The Lord will have mercy.

This is the time of preparation of “Certain Individuals” to be kept from the fullness of deception which is coming on the earth. A keeping also from demonic activity in the air. It is a measured increase, the sowing of seeds , for the keeping of the elect of God. Even a great number. Though outwardly not in this hour. Beware deluding spirits.


The United States of America??


Homosexuality. Rebellion against God. Individuality and individual happiness are gods.

4th Effect

Continued obedience and a willingness to suffer produce a pleasing aroma before God in Heaven. Now God will openly answer their prayers and reward their faithfulness. Now that which was hidden will be seen, not in the names and faces of individual men and women of the 3rd effect, they will remain hidden. God is jealous of them and won’t allow them to be taken away in vanity and pride. He will keep them for His own Glory. The visible fruit will be that God will raise up numbers of saints to reap a harvest for His name. These will be the ones who will pray with a voice which will be heard by many. The voice of a witness in many cities, in paths and streets in the fields and in the least place, they will be heard. Their strength will be given to a few to keep them. Strong prophets who have ceased from sin and become like a polished wall of brass. A fortified wall behind which the many will be kept. They will have no name of their own. Their name shall be the Lord is my Might.

Yet even this even all this is just a beginning of an end time labour of God.


Expounded from a prophecy given by Brother Gary
Posted on Sermon Index

2012/5/27 19:59

Gather the Crumbs even the Crumbs Reply To This Post |
Brother yours is the faithfulness. One thing which keeps coming to my thinking has to do with gathering crumbs. A not despising small things and a not childishly neglecting to eat the whole meal.

Remember others here on SI have been the intercessors. Perhaps you have as well. I haven't. These "others" may not need to understand at this moment that they are the first "few" of this prophecy. After all their attitude will be one desiring God's glory and not man's recognition. Still other men must recognise them. These are the prophetic. I would encourage you to really seek the Lord's face and test every part of this in prayer. Not by doubting, but by a continued willingness to have God Himself look into it.

This is a part gathering crumbs. It wont take much to make certain what you have written because you already have a greater witness of it now. This is true for me also. I was quickened and washed 3 times transposing your prophecy. At one instant I couldn't write and had to release the cup with tongues of worship and praise. Without a desire to test however, we would be breaking the first rule of prophecy. It must be tested by others. How God will do that is a matter for God Himself.

Another part gathering crumbs has to do with what's left behind when we excitedly move on to serve the Lord. This is something you yourself must be faithful in more than anyone. You have the prophecy. Nothing added either by your own interpretation or mine or another's changes the place of burden in simplicity of purpose. As a matter of truth the original post which is the prophecy is quiet full and needs to be read and meditated on many times. We mustn't loose anything for the birds of the air to steal away. The way to think of this is as a meal. Only when we first arrive to the feast do we realise what a magnificent feast it really is. After we have eaten, having taken a fuller understanding of the meal itself, we have to snatch off the table cloth and go with it into the anti-room. We mustn't leave the crumbs or despise them. This is done by praying about the prophecy and keeping your focus on the original words given.

Hope this helps


 2016/7/23 5:23Profile

Joined: 2008/5/23
Posts: 632
Monroe, LA - USA

 Re: A prophecy from three or four years ago


Michael Strickland

 2022/4/15 12:18Profile

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