Blaine I perhaps was brusque to a degree and for that I apologize if that was the how it came across. I was just trying to put a little counter balance to what I saw as statements I perceived to be out of balance. But that is not the issue now. The issue is I may have been a little out of balance in my responses. I just see many men of God and those like John Piper and Art Katz having obtained seminary degrees at some point and it was none the worse for them. Plus my own experience in seminary was completely different altogether from what I saw being described. One thing I have concerning you is have RESPECT for you and especially in regards to your ministry with the persecuted church. Your posts overall are encouraging and edifying and come from a sincere love of the Christ you serve. That is for sure.Thank you I hope and blessings to you this day.
_________________David Winter
Brother no apology needed. I am glad you provided a counterbalance. I apologize myself if my statements went too far to the other extreme. I am aware of men of God such as yourself and others that have had a profitable time in their Seminary training. Praise God for such.Likewise brother your posts touch my heart. And for all of us the truth is always at the center with Jesus.Blessings to you my brother.
Well I declare! PTL! That makes me feel good all over more than anywhere else!
Hey bro. I should have been more clear and my original OP on the other thread. But what I said to Brother David I also say to you too. Sorry if my statement seem too far to the other extreme.Just trying to come back to the center and stay focused on Jesus.:-) :-) :-)
And Paul would say (and did) that only revelation from the Holy Spirit benefited him and not his religious education.Eph 1:17 That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: Eph 3:3 How that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery; (as I wrote afore in few words, The knowledge of Christ, he learned by revelation of the Holy Spirit. Once you start to receive revelation you realize you don't need a school of religious study but rather the "school of the Spirit".
David: I agree. A strong education in the word of God can have great benefit, assuming the person attends a good school. I guess it is like anything else. There are awesome seminaries and there are terrible seminaries, and formal education can have a profound impact on a student. I have studied the word all my life. I am one of those who was born on Saturday, in church on Sunday, and never late type of people. I had great teachers who filled me early with the word, and I have loved to study it ever since. But I have wondered at times what benefit a Bible College might have been to me. But God is good and the Holy Spirit is faithful to the word. He has taught me as I have studied and it has been wonderful. That is what I like about the word of God. The author lives in me and I can ask Him what He meant when I don't understand.