Blaine, Yes, Most will not make it within that current religious professional framework. Lord willing, God will use the persecution to wake up some who are genuinely His but backslidden/apathetic/distracted to a new level in their walk and ministry, but yes, the charlatans & career professionals will be exposed. The whole system model is mostly messed up to begin with (which is why we left it years ago for the house fellowship model, and even those can get off track of not focused rightly, but that's another subject). I "cut my spiritual teeth" as a newborn babe with mostly just the Word of God in a prison cell for almost 2 years. Fasting, praying, reading the Word, evangelizing & walking with God. I praise God for that time in establishing the foundation for my walk & calling right off. Lots of different "flavors" of ministers came in from various theological persuasions/denominations, but I just tested it all up against the Word. And when I got out, I knew I was called (not to pastoral ministry, but called how I am called & gifted nonetheless) so I did what I thought I was supposed to do (& God led me - it was still part of His sovereign plan) & put myself through Bible College/Seminary. Most of it was really a waste of time & money in large part, but some of it was really beneficial. "Jewish Roots of the Faith" was definitely the class I remember most & was the most beneficial because the class & teacher were so good. Anyways, I have to return to the simplicity of the Word, but the fact is, if I don't know and misunderstand the original Words Jesus used when He spoke because it was "over/mis-translated" then how is it not beneficial & right to look it up in the original Greek (or Hebrew if OT) & see what was really being said? This is a good thing. God desires for us to walk in truth & riht understanding & such is not "unspiritual" but quite the opposite. To walk in Error & continue when such information is available to us trough study is...well...foolish. "Well Jesus didn't attend synogauge school....." Yes, but he no doubt knew the scriptures, he no doubt grew up knowing & understanding Hebrew, Aramaic (most scholars think was spoken in NT time Israel), & likely Greek. He no doubt understood the Hebraic Cultural symbolism, euphemisms, & culturally common examples used in scripture as it was written by people in His day first for Those in His day (& beyond of course). But we don't. So, we must study & open up our hearts humbly to mine & seek the Lord on such truths. Such is not inherently wrong, but if done for the sake of understanding the Word of God better, then we are honoring God, His Word, the ministry, etc. not despising it. Sure, where commentaries are concerned we must be careful. I use commentaries sometimes, but I remember at best they are just commentaries. Maybe I gain insight I didn't have on a matter or maybe I say "I don't know about that. Could just be their opinion?" We each have to evaluate these things on our own. But studying the Word, etymology & history is a good thing. Let us each be convinced of things before we presume to stand in the place of a "teacher" in any respect and know that greater/stricter judgement awaits those who teach. Let us not take this lightly or flippantly. Whether in a pastoral "career" position, leading Internet forum threads as "experts" or "teachers" on a matter, or whatever. We all will stand before God and give account for every word. Sobering no doubt. Without a true calling from God, Semonary or not seminary is irrelevant. One must be called not by a profession but by the Living God. If this was your intention in your OP and main point - brother, I wholeheartedly agree. Totally! God Bless! Jeff |