Yep, We are called to practice what he taught as disciples & a man in the Body is to be "apt to teach". How can we practice or teach if we don't study or understand, or truly know and rightly divide His Word? Simple answer is we can't. Not to the degree God calls us to. He gave us His Word for good reason. Many of Those underground churches in pressured lands with no Bibles give all they have and cherish a few pages of scripture, knowing its God's Word. Would they then say, "it doesn't matter what it says or means, as long as I walk with Jesus"? Of course not. We have the full Word. Tools. The Holy Spirit. Freedom. Time. To whom much is given, much will be required. Never tell the Body or even imply that Biblical doctrine & theology doesn't matter. That's in direct opposition to the Words of The apostles, The Word of God & Jesus Himself. Need to clarify your statements better or people get the wrong idea (& an unbiblical one). God Bless, Jeff
Brother David,I quote from your post:"No wonder mainline denominations ended up shying away fropm the "Spirit-filled" emphasis. They should have. "Although I was born again in and heavily influenced by the Charismatic Movement, the Lord has protected me from the excesses that we sometimes see. I do not agree with the statement above though.The Spirit- filled emphasis is not Charismatic but biblical.Would you rather have a cup overflowing and clean up the excess or one dry as a bone? I was taught in bible class and " confirmed" in the Methodist church and still had no idea Who the living Jesus was until I was in the midst of a Spirit filled group in the defense force one evening and powerfully converted by the Holy Spirit Himself as brothers prayed for me. Now I know this is not everyone's experience but it is still a pretty serious indictment against churches that focus on " correct" theology but deny the power of the Spirit.Just something to think about...In His Love,
It depends on which 'spirit' they are filled with. Not the right one going on many observations.
Sister Brenda,By their fruit they shall be known.The Spirit which produces Power, Love and Self- Control ...and which confesses and exalts the risen Lord Jesus Christ!Amen?
I am a continuist. I believe in all the gifts. Like really, not just in theory. I believe in and need the ministry of the Holy Spirit. I would rather clean up a little messiness & handle it then outlaw it of course ("do not despise prophecies"). But telling people doctrine/theology don't matter is a whole other issue. It's unbiblical & almost invites error & biblical illiteracy/apathy, & is against NT teaching & il advised (unbalanced regardless of the intent).
Brothers and sisters do you think your systematic theologies or your expositional comnentaries or your Greek Hebrew lecicons are going to comform you to Jesus?Will your seminary degrees bring you into the throne room. Will Calvin's Imstitutes or John Owen's works sustain you in the hell that will break out on this country.The only Person who will sustain you will be Jesus Himself. For He alone is the living Word.
Agreed brother Jeff,The church was built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ being the chief cornerstone....they continued in the apostles doctrine and in prayer and breaking of bread...I am pretty sure our brother who started this thread meant dead " theology", not sound doctrine which centers on Jesus Christ, however thanks for reminding us to always have a balanced and healthy approach to the scriptures.Blessings,
Brother Blaine,I see your passion and hear your heart.I know you are not minimizing the written Word of God but simply emphasizing our relationship with the Living Word Himself.For us who have believed and have received the Spirit of our Risen Lord we feed on Him when we feed on His words and we study to know Him better and live lives pleasing to Him.Amen?
Amen William.