Poster | Thread |
| Jesus or Theology | | . You may have all of this theology but give me Jesus. You may have all of this theology but give me Jesus. You may have all of this theology but give me Jesus.
From the shadow of His cross. |
2016/7/11 8:13 | |
StirItUp Member
Joined: 2016/6/4 Posts: 949 Johannesburg, South Africa
| Re: Jesus orTheology | | Amen brother Blaine,
There is really a major difference between knowing all the doctrines of God and Jesus Christ and knowing Him and pursuing a personal relationship with Him!
"This IS Eternal Life...that the may know Him the true God and Jesus Christ Whom He has sent"
Thank you for the timely reminder that we need to constantly check whether we are still pursuing our first love! _________________ William
2016/7/11 9:01 | Profile |
docs Member
Joined: 2006/9/16 Posts: 2753
| Re: Jesus orTheology | | But does having proper and sound theology automatically mean one doesn't have Jesus?
How can pursuing God more closely and running hard after Him be done without a growing and maturing knowledge of how He has revealed Himself in the Word?
Why either/or meaning one must make a choice between Jesus or theology? Why can it be both/and? Can't one have Jesus and both sound theology?
_________________ David Winter
2016/7/11 9:25 | Profile |
StirItUp Member
Joined: 2016/6/4 Posts: 949 Johannesburg, South Africa
| Re: | | Hi brother David,
Of course both are important, but all I am saying is theology as learning and knowing facts about God are not sufficient. An experiential heart to heart relationship is comparatively more important. Did not Jesus say to the Pharisees(paraphrase) You search Moses diligently but it is Moses who speaks of Me?
You can know all the facts about a chair and even the one who made the chair but until you actually sit on the chair your knowledge means little :)
If we see "theology" as the study of knowing God Himself, it is a wonderful thing, but if it is only to accumulate facts and knowledge maybe not so good.
"Knowledge puffs up but LOVE builds up"
In His Love, _________________ William
2016/7/11 9:38 | Profile |
JFW Member
Joined: 2011/10/21 Posts: 2009 Dothan, Alabama
| Re: brother David | | Yeah was kinda thinkin the same thing but perhaps I wasn't understanding how brother Blaine was using the term theology and my mind just read it as doctrine instead...
Having said this I do know people who (unfortunately) know about Jesus but have never met Him or even seen Him tho they are fluent in christianese... Ironically these have the strongest opinions of those I know personally and aren't very open to learning save a personal crisis when their idea of Jesus turns out to be a 2 dimensional cardboard cut out with a gentle/gentile Jesus sticker on it,...then some open their hearts to to receive the truth of His spirit as revealed in scripture. But generally, at least here in the Bible Belt, most people think they already "have it" and it's def hard to minister to someone who is gospel hardened so to speak- _________________ Fletcher
2016/7/11 9:53 | Profile |
| Re: | | Excerpt from a statement of faith: "We believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God. .... We believe that the work of the Holy Spirit glorifies the Lord Jesus Christ, convicts the world of its guilt, regenerates sinners, ... He also indwells, illuminates, guides, equips and empowers believers for Christ-like living and service"
2016/7/11 9:53 | |
sermonindex Moderator
Joined: 2002/12/11 Posts: 39795 Canada
Online! | Re: | | Doctrines rooted in man-made terms, ideas and explanations can even lead a believer away from the Lord Himself. Good doctrines are helpful, but growing in discipleship with the Lord Jesus Christ is more important. 632 Though there is Scriptural warrant and benefit to study the character of God and His ways. God does not call us to be theologians merely but disciples who practice what Jesus taught. “Christians now choose churches based upon particular doctrines, and having the right theology has become the most important thing rather than having the right lifestyle, all because a Biblical model has been abandoned.”633
from: Principle 26 – Having a Right Doctrine but Wrong Spirit.pdf _________________ SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
2016/7/11 10:20 | Profile |
JFW Member
Joined: 2011/10/21 Posts: 2009 Dothan, Alabama
| Re: brother Greg | | Amen!!!!! It seems you have touched on the "lost art" of our faith.... Discipleship 101 _________________ Fletcher
2016/7/11 10:27 | Profile |
docs Member
Joined: 2006/9/16 Posts: 2753
| Re: Yet again | | The Necessity of Theology
"Therefore, knowing biblical doctrine is required for maturing in the faith — it is necessary for true spiritual adulthood. At the same time, we must always remember that mere knowledge is insufficient for spiritual maturity. Satan, after all, has an intellectual knowledge of God and His Word (Matt. 4:1–11; James 2:19), but he is anything but spiritually mature. More than just a mental grasp of the content of biblical theology is needed, for spiritual maturity only comes as we receive the Word in our hearts and allow it to transform us through the power of the Holy Spirit." _________________ David Winter
2016/7/11 10:28 | Profile |
| Re: Not Thelogy But Jesus | | Brethren it is not relationship to a theology textbook we need. But it is relationship to a Living Savior. Theology will not sustain us in a prison cell or at the guillotine. But it will be the relationship to Jesus in the person of the Holy Spirit.
This is what our brothers and sisters have learned in the persecuted church.
....... Brother Blaine |
2016/7/11 10:33 | |