"The power of forgiveness is the blood of Jesus. And the blood of Jesus is sufficient (Heb 10:19-29). We doubt that the Church could get "bloody" enough. Menno Simmons (1496-1561), from whom the Mennonites were spawned, was noted for both his piety and for his emphasis upon the blood of Jesus - an emphasis which was inherited by his followers. While on board a ship bound for America in 1735, John Wesley was so influenced by a party of Moravians, who sang of the blood of Jesus, that from that beginning many believe came his impetus into revival, and from that experience early Methodism was filled with piety and songs of celebration of the blood of Jesus. A cursory check through American church history reveals that wherever piety and celebration of the blood of Jesus have preceded, so also has proceeded revival and true loving life in our Lord Jesus Christ."(From "The Transformation of the Inner Man" - John & Paula Sandford)
_________________David Winter
"The power of forgiveness is the blood of Jesus. And the blood of Jesus is sufficient (Heb 10:19-29). We doubt that the Church could get "bloody" enoughAMEN AMEN.. The enemy cannot cross the BLOOD LINE..THANK YOU FOR THE BLOOD OF JESUS.Thank you for this post..In HimEagleflying
O the blood of JesusO the blood of JesusO the blood of Jesus, It washes white as snowThe blood that Jesus shed/way back on Calvary/the blood that gives me strength from day to day/It will never lose it's power/It reaches from the highest mountains/It flows to the lowest valley/the blood that gives me strength from day to day/It will never lose it's power! There is a fountain filled with blood drawn from Emmanuel's veinsAnd sinners plunged beneath that flood, lose all their guilty stainsLose all their guilty stains, lose all their guilty stainsAnd sinners plunged beneath that flood, lose all their guilty stains.AMEN!
The Church must get backto once again preaching onand singing hymns about the The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus has never lost it'spower. In the Azusa Street Revival where there were many manifestationsof the Holy Spirit, the Name and the blood of Jesus was front and center.A wonderful book that bears this out is"Azusa Street" by Frank Bartleman.