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Discussion Forum : Miracles that follow the plow : Signs and Healings

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 Signs and Healings

Me and my friends would witness on friday nights outside of a Moive Theater and this is what happened one night.

Okay, so as one of the brothers in the Lord came, he stated to me that his electric scotter needed to be recharged. It ended up by OUR prayer, to fill up with power, thru us touching it and praying for it. (a quick 10 second prayer).

Then, the result of that 2 atheists and one backslidden girl, got saved.

Now, One time witnessing on the beach (which is SHILL done regularly), i asked a man to pray over his own eyes, I just didn't have the faith for it. (this man was homeless and needed glasses to read the Word of God). So he prayed, about 3 months ago, and he was healed and needs NO glasses to read the Word of God.

 2005/5/26 23:38

 Re: Signs and Healings

Praise the Lord! Your testimony about praying for the scooter to be recharged reminds me of this which I read.

Someone with the Open Doors ministry (of taking Bibles to countries where they are scarce), realised after he got his luggage back from the airplane, that his cases were too heavy (jammed with Bibles!) to lift without drawing attention to himself by staggering to hold one while he picked up the other. He could not lift them both together, either! So he commanded them to 'Rise, in Jesus Name' and they both floated up into his hands so he could walk out of the airport unnoticed. WOW!

i asked a man to pray over his own eyes, I just didn't have the faith for it. (this man was homeless and needed glasses to read the Word of God). So he prayed, about 3 months ago, and he was healed and needs NO glasses to read the Word of God.

Indeed you show wisdom in knowing how important it is to stay within the gift of God. I'm delighted to hear of the man's healing and reading the Word for himself. Amen and amen!

 2005/6/3 19:07


ya, its awesome. Thats an amazing WONDER!!! lol. I never thought i'd hear of a 'wonder'. WOWZA. Wow. Truly, we can say 'be removed' and it will obey.

Thanks for the encouragement. That truly was a blessing

 2005/6/3 22:26

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