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Discussion Forum : Revivals And Church History : help with a story about a missionary

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Joined: 2012/5/27
Posts: 174

 help with a story about a missionary

Greetings all, hope all is well. I need help with this story brother Ravenhill told about a missionary that God called to go preach in a far away country. He needed to reach this island but couldn't because of a river in front of him. He prayed and when he was done he realized that God had carried him to the other side! That's as much as i can remember. Does anyone know who that missionary was or know that message where brother Ravenhill told that story? Thank you.


 2016/5/25 11:40Profile

Joined: 2016/4/26
Posts: 120

 Re: help with a story about a missionary

I wish I could help you with this. I've heard so many of Leonard Ravenhill's teachings but I don't remember this story. I do, however, believe without any doubt, that God is fully capable and willing to act in this way in the lives of those who will believe Him for it. I've never been translated from one place to another but, with all the other miracles I've experienced, being translated would come as no big surprise to me.


 2016/5/28 18:00Profile

Joined: 2004/10/13
Posts: 2132

 Re: help with a story about a missionary

There is a story about Victor Plymire while in Tibet how that while he prayed The Lord dried up a river so that he could pass over on dry land and continue on his missionary journey to evangelize Tibet? Maybe that is what you remember? Victor Plymire was part of the China InLand Missions and Early Assemblies of God. Could this be what you are thinking of ? The book I believe would be call High Adventures in Tibet, I think????? Been a long time since I read it and I am not sure if it is in print and more.


 2016/5/29 0:33Profile

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