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 Re: that they may be one, even as we are one

Nope, you are not Jesus and you are not God and you are not as God either.
Him in you is still him and not you. This union life goes way to far into the realm of heresy,

 2016/4/11 19:36


double post

 2016/4/11 23:28


Brilliant and insightful teaching, Norman Grubb is absolutely spot on; anyone can see this if their vision is clear. Brother Norman does not go too far at all in explaining our union with Christ. His teaching is crystal clear as he states that we are nothing's, empty vessels filled with Him.

 2016/4/11 23:28


Wrong again , the guy became a heretic in his later years,
Beware when reading him. He stretches the truth so it because untruth,
No eternal damnation for him, no hell, Imagine all the people... oops another song coming.

 2016/4/12 10:35


post deleted. Not interested in arguing with you over this .

 2016/4/12 10:38


Can't talk to someone who has free reign to smear men.

 2016/4/12 12:19

 Believers are temples, the dwelling place of God

Believers are temples, the dwelling place of the deity, as Paul spoke of in Corinthians.

“Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him. For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are.”
1 Cor 3:16-17. (NKJV)

Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.” 1 Cor. 6:19-20 (NKJV)

However, remember that although we have God within us, we are not the deity itself. God is the deity. (We humans are the temple and the Spirit and life of Christ is the indwelling God)

 2016/4/12 13:51

Joined: 2009/1/24
Posts: 453

 Re: Believers are temples, the dwelling place of God

When I first read "God Unlimited in Daily Living" (what a title!) I could not understand it, but reread and reread it until the binding fell apart, because I discerned a level of Christian experience that I knew nothing about. At the time I subscribed to American evangelical pop theology and imagined God sitting on a throne way up in the sky, watching us exercise our free will, keeping records and dishing out rewards and punishments. I had never grasped the mystery of Christ-in-us. But if we miss that, we have missed the whole gospel. May I suggest that most of this generation of church leaders have missed the whole gospel? We should not bother about contemporary orthodoxy any more than we bother about "the traditions of the church fathers."

The Union Life message cost Norman a lot. He lost respectability; ministries he had labored with for decades closed the doors to him and the professional clergy and their functionaries denounced him as a heretic.

Unpopularity with the religious authorities is always a good sign!

His friend Leonard Ravenhill wasn't too popular with the evangelical establishment either!

If you are unfamiliar with Norman Grubb and this thread has piqued your curiosity, you can find his sermons here on SI and dozens of his writings at Lighthouse Library.

Wayne Kraus

 2016/4/12 14:56Profile


Great testimony, Wayneman.

Here is the library on SI of Norman Grubb's material. It would be great if they could put up Brian Coatney and Sylvia Pierce's material, too.

There is a reason that the religious system does not want the Christian to know about these truths. It would be detrimental to their survival.

Are you aware of Sylvia Pierce and The Liberating Secret? Brian Coatney and Norman Grubb material, also. I think they are having web problems, right now.!bookstore/cwl7

Sylvia Pearce - As a young Christian she was privileged to be mentored by Norman Grubb. For twenty-five years she knew him as friend and traveling companion. For years she has been driven by the Spirit to know for herself and teach to others, the liberating secret that has personally set her free. Prior to her liberation she lived in the bondage of self-hatred and deep insecurities. Because she has found the "Pearl of Great Price," for herself, she lives to help others know these same liberating truths. Sylvia lives in Louisville, Kentucky; she is married and has four children, six grandchildren and one great-grandson and one great-granddaughter

I really enjoy the Liberating Secret's newsletters and their new app.

Gal 2:20 I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.

 2016/4/12 15:17

 Re: Julius

"Can't talk to someone who has free reign to smear men."

Lord have mercy on me, thank you for this reminder brother.

"People can tame all kinds of animals...but no one can tame the tongue. It is restless and evil, full of deadly poison. Sometimes it praises our Lord and Father, and sometimes it curses those who have been made in the image of God."
(James 3)

Our dear brother James was concerned with merely cursing another human being, what would he say to those who without missing a beat, without pause or concern for their souls, malign, accuse and smear mighty men of God who have given their lives to serve the Lord Jesus Christ.

I shudder to be in their shoes on the day of judgement, and even so, there go I but by the grace of God. In fact I am speaking of my own self but for the grace of God arresting me last year...but I shared that testimony elsewhere. Blessings brother Julius, keep up the good fight brother!

 2016/4/12 16:14

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