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Joined: 2010/12/7
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In Christ

 Abdicating the kingship and sovereignty over our own lives

"...Are we willing in the process of the knowledge of God, not only to be excavated from things He doesn’t like, but also re-clothed with dependence upon Him?

We had Hattie Hammond up at school one year, and she told us something I have never forgotten. I have told it the world over. She shared with us an experience she had. She said the Lord gave her a dream. In the dream, she was to be the concert pianist before a great, large audience. In the dream she saw this great audience, this beautiful hall, lovely piano. The Lord bid her to sit down and play for this audience, and handed her a sheet of music. She put it on the piano, and when she looked at it, she was flabbergasted. She said, “Lord I cannot play this. It is much too difficult for me. The Lord then said to her, “Hattie, if you will depend on Me, I will help you, and you will be able to play it.” “Oh Lord, You better help,” she said.

She started, the audience clapped, some stood. When she was finished there was a tremendous applause with, “Encore, Encore!” She was elated. The Lord handed her a second piece. She said, “Oh Lord, this is worse than the other. I will never be able to play this one.” The Lord said, “If you will depend on Me, I will help you. You can play it.” She answered, “Oh Lord, You better.” And she played. She finished with great applause and “Encore, Encore.” She was elated.

Then, the Lord handed her a third piece of music, a very simple piece. She said, “Oh Lord, this one is different. This one I can handle, as it is within my capability.” She didn’t need Him, you know, not for this one. So, she played it, and made a mistake, and another, and another, and another. Some people got up, but they didn’t clap. They walked out. One after another walked out, and when she got done, there were only a fraction of the people left, nobody clapped, nobody stood in applause, nobody cried, “Encore.” They quietly went out, and she burst into tears and wept bitterly.

The Lord said to her, “Hattie, you do not only need Me for the difficult task; you need me just as much for the easy task, for without Me you can do nothing.” She woke up, and knew what the Lord tried to get across to her - dependence.

People do not know the Lord ’s Prayer. (In a sing-song ironic voice, he recited the Lord’s prayer): “Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done.” Amen.

“Thy kingdom come.” Well what does it mean? Jesus said, “The kingdom of God is within you.” People do not know what they are saying when they pray the Lord ’s Prayer. They are not praying it; rather, they are saying it. We can say the Lord’s Prayer, without praying it. Most people only say it; they never pray it.

“Thy kingdom come!” What does it mean? They answer, “I don’t know.” It means, “Lord, have me to recognize You (Heavenly Father) as the sovereign of my life.” Your kingdom come in my life. Establish Your government in me. Bring me into subjection to Your will, to the laws that govern Your kingdom. “Thy kingdom come.” Help me to be aware of Your sovereignty. Establish Your rule over my life in my heart. Help me to submit to Your will in obedience, and abide by the laws that govern Your kingdom.

If you are after this knowledge of God, are you ready to abdicate your own kingship and sovereignty over your own life? Are you ready to resign from your self-life and give to the Lord the throne of your heart?"

- Walter Beuttler

SI Moderator - Brandy Gordon

 2016/4/10 7:06Profile

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