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Joined: 2006/7/31
Posts: 3057



What is fear? I know it is sin to be fearful and worried (they seem to go hand in hand) but I am seeking to get to the root of it. Is fear a by product of doubt, lack of faith, lack of trust, unbelief? Is it a desire to hold on to things around us, family, friends, stuff? Is it about staying safe, staying in control, holding on to our comfort? Recently I have began to wonder if fear is contagious, can one persons fear spread to others? Can it cause others to stumble and become fearful and worried?

How can I best pray for and help someone who is fearful all the time about everything?

Seeking to better understand this.

God bless

 2016/4/8 10:42Profile

 Re: Fear

Like darkness is the absence of light, FEAR IS THE ABSENCE OF GOD'S LOVE.

1Jn 4:18 There is no fear in love; but PERFECT LOVE casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

2Tim 1:7 FOR GOD HATH not GIVEN US the spirit of fear; but of power, and of LOVE, and of a sound mind.

 2016/4/8 11:05

Joined: 2006/7/31
Posts: 3057


Greetings Julius

I understand what you shared and agree GOD'S love does cast out fear.

Does anyone believe fear can be an attack from the enemy? Does the enemy use fear to cause us to stumble and sin against GOD?

God bless

Edit: FATHER has just showed me that I am looking for excuses in this. I am looking for reasons to justify even the sin instead of dealing with the root of it all which is self!! I realize that now and know better how to move forward. GOD is good and faithful to always in HIS mercy show these things to me.

God bless

 2016/4/8 11:53Profile

Joined: 2016/3/14
Posts: 162
Branson, MO


Renew the mind with the washing of the water of the Word.

Plus science that the brain is plastic and can be rewired.

So a person who has had fearful thoughts, even a lifetime of fearful thoughts likely once was attacked, but then it becomes well worn pathways in the brain that the persons brain easily automatically goes to fear thoughts.

Gods thoughts read in the Bible, but more importantly spoken out loud to counter/erase/dispute fear thoughts, heals the brain. We have the mind of Christ but not the brain of Christ.

I cant wait for my new brain. I am a more fearful person than I like. So I say scripture outloud. The only good thing I learned from the Word of Faith preachers is SAY IT.

God has not given me a Spirit of Fear is a good one to say outloud to counter, counter, counter fear thoughts.


 2016/4/8 12:40Profile


Hi MJ,

I struggled with fear all of my life, I just hid it very well. It lasted long years after my salvation. Here is a portion of a piece I wrote many years ago as I pondered my own battles against fear.............

Therein lies the key, the secret which is no secret. Relationship with Jesus, walking in His presence, talking to God, genuine communication is the key to an overcoming attitude. Not one of us will overcome the slightest trial in our lives outside of the presence of God. If fear is the opposite of faith, if we live in fear, how can we walk in the presence of God?

Are you tired of living in fear? Lets call fear what it is, it is a lack of trust in God. Trust is the foundation of any relationship, trust and commitment. How can we be committed to a God in whom we do not trust? When we do not trust Him, then we are calling Him a liar. If we step outside of trusting Him, then we begin to run our own lives, making our own decisions. When a Christian makes a decision, based on fear, disaster inevitably follows.

Is your trust based on circumstances? Do you sleep well at night because you have a lot of money in the bank? It’s not particularly hard for a man of means to say that He trusts God in the area of finance, that’s not to say he does not, yet only circumstances of trial truly expose the man of trust. Only when the storm comes, and the man of God is still standing after it do we truly know that his foundation is Christ.

When we humble ourselves, when we acknowledge our fears, not deny them like the, “name it and claimers,” when we draw close to Jesus and make a conscious decision to turn it over to Him, only then can we overcome it. Yes Lord, I have a disease, one that may even kill me, but I am turning it over to you, you will be my peace because I trust you, my life is in your hands.Compare that attitude with the so called “faith,” movement who would deny that they even have a disease, and make no mistake about it, they do that out of fear, not faith. This is true irony.

The truth is that we walk in victory despite our circumstances. No matter what happens to us in this life, no matter what we lose, be it our health, our wealth, people close to us, loved ones, we can lose all these things but we cannot lose God. This is where our peace and our joy comes from, not from circumstances, but from trust, commitment, the very foundations of our relationship with Jesus. Staying close to Him. For when we walk in His presence, when we refuse to let circumstances cause fear and rob us of our peace, then we hear God speak.

That small still voice will guide us through everything in life. As long as you operate in fear, you will quench this voice, the very voice that may say,” today I will heal you, today I will restore you on this earth, today I will prosper you, today I will use you, or, today I am taking you home.” He is the author and finisher of our faith, not circumstances.

I urge you brothers and sisters, the next challenge that comes your way, and believe me, it is coming, determine in your heart to expel fear and anxiety from your heart. Determine in your heart that you will believe the report of the Lord, you will rest upon His promises. This is not a feeling that will come over you, it starts with a conscious decision to trust God. Lets begin to be different from the world.

If you get a bad report from the doctor, rejoice in the fact that your life is in God’s hand and that it will be Him that determines the outcome of your life or the life of your loved one. Not one single Christian is leaving this planet one single second before it is ordained by God. The steps or a righteous man and woman are ordered of God, not the enemy.There is not a power in the universe that can wrestle you out of the hand of the Lord. We are bought by a price, we are servants of the most High God, it is Him that determines how long we stay on this planet.

I am 43, perhaps the Lord has a 44 year plan for me? Then so be it Lord. For what He wills He brings to pass. Yet, He may have an 80 year plan for me, and nothing can change that. A report from the Doctor cannot change that, hell and high water cannot change that. I am not in danger from the enemy, I am safe in the arms of my Savior. You must believe that today. This is where your trust comes from, in beliveing the Word of God and knowing that He bought you with a price and that you are His and His alone.

No Doctors report can change that. No loss of Job can change that, no loss of loved one can change that. No threat from the lying enemy can change that. Rest in that, not that you have a predetermined view of healing, but simply rest in trust, not fear. Trust, or faith is the substance of things not seen. It is when we do not know the outcome, but trust anyway that we exemplify what true faith is. To trust in Him is a concious act of the will. We must acknowledge that to live in fear or to be constanlty anxious is a sin. Repent of it and exercise your will in obedience to the Word of God. Let your emmotions follow your will.

Let your emmotions be subject to you, bring them into captivity, your thoughts and emmotions. God would not have called us to anxious for nothing if it were not possible. When we do this, then the peace of God indeed guards our hearts and minds from the assualts of the thoughts and emmotions that would lead to fear and anxiousness, a state which is pandemic in the world today.

Psalm 3…….Lord, how they have increased who trouble me. Many are they who rise up against me. Many are they who say of me “There is no help for him in God,” selah. But you oh Lord are a shield for me. My glory and the One who lifts my head. I cried to the Lord with my voice and He heard me from His holy hill. I lay down and slept, I awoke for the Lord sustained me. I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people who have set themselves against me all around. Arise O Lord , save me O my God, for you have struck all my enemies on the cheekbone, you have broken the teeth of the ungodly. Salvation belongs to the Lord. Your blessing is upon your people.

 2016/4/8 13:41

Joined: 2006/7/31
Posts: 3057


Greetings frank

Just wanted to say thank you so much for sharing this with
me. You are exactly right deep rooted fear is a lack of
trust and faith. In dealing with sin there is no room
for excuses! Thank you dear brother for the honest
loving reminder! It's not our circumstance that we trust in
it is CHRIST JESUS alone!!!!

You have encouraged me much today brother
God bless

 2016/4/8 15:13Profile


Hi MJ,

I guess I wrote that when I was 43, I am now 51. I can truthfully say that the last seven years of my life have been the most challenging. Even when I wrote that I could not have imagined, nor would want to, what was to follow. Yet the Lord our God has been my refuge, my high tower, the anchor of my soul and my sanity. I have treasure now that I did not have before, treasure refined in a 1000 fires that will last for all eternity. My love for Jesus has deepened, my understanding of my need for Him has increased and my knowledge of His faithfulness has multiplied many times over. Its not my faith that grew, it has been my understanding of His faithfulness that has increased my trust. Its all His work and all His glory. I wrote this poem last year and it is really about getting our eyes off Jesus which is the number one purpose of fear. Its not what we can see that brings faith and counters fear, its what we cannot see but know that casts out fear to where it belongs, the dark places..........bro Frank

A Lighthouse in the Darkness

When the cliffs are to your back
And the tide is coming in
When the waters surely rising
And you know you cannot swim

And the water comes so slowly
But you know there’s no escape
It laps around your ankles
It will take what it will take

You know your slowly drowning
But you do not seem to care
What you really are afraid of
That come the morning your still there

How many tides have come and gone
How many fogs have rolled on in?
How dark has been the darkest night
It tries to drown the light within

And suddenly you realize
You are a beacon in the night
You stand above the highest tide
Eternally a shining light

A lighthouse standing on the Rock
For all the world to see
Standing strong above the storm
Shining light eternally.

 2016/4/8 15:52

Joined: 2005/11/5
Posts: 124


Hi Mary:

I do believe the devil uses Fear as a primary weapon as well as deception. Over the years, i thought i was growing out of fear and living in a greater reality of 'Fearing God alone' but in His mercy and love, God dealt with fears i didn't realize that were in my heart. He 'brought it out into the open' in a couple ways. Interesting combination...

One was when my mother suddenly had an ulcer. Had to go thru some time of uncertainty finding out what was going on and later found out it was a ulcer. She had to be at the hosp and have checkups, procedures and antibiotics. What i didn't realize was that God was dealing with probably one of my greatest fears....and that was losing my mom. We are close. She is normally very healthy and it was one of the ways the Lord had dealt with this fear.

Another incident was when i got into a car wreck. This happened simultaneously. The lesson was again dealing with fears deep down that i didn't realize and showing the absolute sovereignty of God. I was thankful that the other party's family were not hurt as well as myself. Car was not totaled but just going thru the whole process with police, insurance, etc. That whole thing was very uncertain. I was questioning myself throughout if i was doing something wrong and if it was something that meant i needed to shift gears and go in different directions with my life. But, it was mainly having to do with dealing with some deep fears within that related to a few different things.

When i went thru that together, i saw how trivial fear really is. It handicaps us spiritually. Fearing man's opinions..trying to please everyone....things like that is so deep down like pride. What a waste of energy...But, only God could remove this and not anyone. God will do it. We can encourage people and say things but God is the one that will 'teach the Fear of God' and that is what will remove all other fears. We have to believe in faith that He will do it. He wants us to be bold against Satan and Sin. As you said, seeing Fear as a SIN was a big thing. Associating that with lust, anger, etc. It is completely Not the way Jesus lived on earth. I don't want to be that way and i needed to see that as a detestable thing of my flesh more and more instead of just living with certain 'human tendencies' and 'habitual thought patterns'. Hope this helps.

james thorpe

 2016/4/8 20:15Profile

Joined: 2008/10/25
Posts: 3699
East TN for now!

 Re: Fear

For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. ~ Romans 8:15

maryjane wrote:
Recently I have began to wonder if fear is contagious, can one persons fear spread to others? Can it cause others to stumble and become fearful and worried?

YES and yes!! Years ago, I had to take my mom to radiation everyday at the same time and we started listening to Glen Beck on talk radio but after a about a week, it was like an anvil fell from heaven on me and I believe it was the Holy Spirit saying, "He's a fear promoter, causing men's heart to fail them over the future of this nation." And fear is a big business.

It was as clear as a bell and then this verse came to me.... "For I know the plans that I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29.11

I hope my experience helps.
God bless,


 2016/4/9 9:30Profile


Fear is typically a mouse behind a door with a megaphone. The devil definately uses fear as a weapon and we defintaely have a weapon that overcomes fear. " Be anxious for nothing." The Lord kept me in that Scripture for a whole year one time. I eventually came to the conclusion that A. It was possible or the Lord would not have called us to it and B. It was ultimately sin. It was saying in my heart that this, whatever it was, was bigger than God. But, like everything else, it is not a one time deal. Just as we have to keep on abiding, we have to keep on trusting, daily. Situations will come up, but the older and wiser we get, the sooner we apprehend victory in any given situation...............bro Frank

 2016/4/9 10:26

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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