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Joined: 2009/11/7
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 God Knows by David Wilkerson

God Knows by David Wilkerson

Topic: Trials
Description: June 28, 2009 - Today many Christians are suffering with various afflictions and trials. In these seasons we have a tendency to question God's faithfulness and doubt that He will answer our prayers. When our problems go from bad to worse and the answer doesn’t seem to come, there is a bitterness that begins to rise up. We can do one of two things. We can either turn to the Lord and trust in His Word or charge God with "Fatherly negligence". God knows and cares! We have a heavenly Father who knows about agony so much so that He allowed His own Son to die on a cross and suffer so that we may be comforted in all our afflictions. God Knows and God Cares!

 2016/4/6 9:54Profile

 Re: God Knows by David Wilkerson

This is one of the most heartfelt messages from David Wilkerson I've heard.
May Jesus comfort many people who are going through dark times by listening to this.
The Lord imparted much love to me while listening. Bless you for posting.


 2016/4/7 0:51

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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