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MaryJane Member

Joined: 2006/7/31 Posts: 3057
| Don't want to be nearsighted and blind... | | “Participating in the divine nature,” as Peter referred to the expectation of Life in Christ for those who are not “nearsighted and blind” (2Peter1):
in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. And the Word, the Logos, lived amongst us.
Not only does God speak His Word — but we must ALSO only speak His Word when situations arise that may tempt us to quote the enemy’s attitudes instead. If we will SPEAK His words, and DO and OBEY His Words from the heart at all times, we ALSO will be Living in a Place where HIS WORDS can CREATE and CHANGE the physical realm, as we hide in Him and are selflessly ONLY “seeking first the Kingdom” not our own personal agenda or comfort. ONLY then may we experience and participate in the Divine Nature of creating havoc for Satan and Life for His Family. Only THERE may we “taste the Powers of the Coming Age” and do “greater works than He” to the Father’s Glory. It IS His Plan, but requires what is written first in this paragraph—which is seldom lived to this day. NOW is the Time.
This was shared with me and I thought to share it here with some few. My prayer is to "do" and "obey" HIS WORDS in my daily life, anything less is self living. Learning to "seek first the KINGDOM" is vital to my walk with HIM. JESUS is LORD of my life, I am merely a servant as such I follow where ever my KING leads, only in this way can I have "true Life".
God bless maryjane |
2016/4/1 10:00 | Profile |
TMK Member

Joined: 2012/2/8 Posts: 6650 NC, USA
| Re: Don't want to be nearsighted and blind... | | Hi MJ-
Do you have any idea who the source of that quote was? I don't mean the person who shared it with you but rather the original source? _________________ Todd
2016/4/1 10:59 | Profile |
| Re: Don't want to be nearsighted and blind... | | Amen sister. To be nearsighted means that objects in the distance seem blurry. To be blind is to not see. So many people have so many problems with what is to come. It is all just blurry at best to them, they are truly blind as to what lies ahead. Yet Gods children see it with a clarity and a fire in their bones. They are not blind to what lies ahead, they see with Spirit's eye. They see the culmination of the ages and the final unveiling of Christ's glory! They see their own flesh being refined and brought into conformity with their Lord and Saviour and it causes their hearts to race at the possibilities. Those of the flesh are deeply disturbed with what would seem to them troubling reports therefore they feel the need to blurry that message to assuage their own flesh.
" I am merely a servant as such I follow where ever my KING leads, only in this way can I have "true Life". Yes indeed sister, wherever the King leads us, even if it be to the gates of hell, this is where we find life........bro Frank |
2016/4/1 11:26 | |
MaryJane Member

Joined: 2006/7/31 Posts: 3057
| Re: | | Greetings TMK
Yes I do know where it came from.It came from sharing among the body a while ago. One brother/sister shared what GOD put on their heart and then passed it awesome GOD is to work HIS heart for us all through the body of believers in such a way. One to another, AMEN!! I pray it was a blessing to you this morning.
God Bless mj |
2016/4/1 12:12 | Profile |
MaryJane Member

Joined: 2006/7/31 Posts: 3057
| Re: | | Greetings Frank
As I read what you wrote:"To be nearsighted means that objects in the distance seem blurry. To be blind is to not see." It struck such a cord with me, the further we keep ourselves from JESUS and HIS will the more blurry things become. At times we can distance ourselves from HIM so much that we no longer see or hear what HE has for us. I think that is why we are called to be living each moment of the each day "ready" in HIM. Amen as we stay close to JESUS, holding fast and pressing in we begin to see what is real...through HIS eyes we can see what truly matters. Things in this world are passing away but HE remains forever!
God bless mj |
2016/4/1 12:21 | Profile |
TMK Member

Joined: 2012/2/8 Posts: 6650 NC, USA
| Re: | | Yes- it was very well-stated. I agree 100%.
_________________ Todd
2016/4/1 12:45 | Profile |
TMK Member

Joined: 2012/2/8 Posts: 6650 NC, USA
| Re: | | Quote: "If we will SPEAK His words, and DO and OBEY His Words from the heart at all times, we ALSO will be Living in a Place where HIS WORDS can CREATE and CHANGE the physical realm, as we hide in Him and are selflessly ONLY “seeking first the Kingdom” not our own personal agenda or comfort."
This is vastly yet at the same time subtly different than certain streams of Christianity which holds to the idea that "words create worlds"- meaning OUR words. It is the line of new age thinking as in that book a while back called "The Secret."
The OP needs to be read and re-read several times to get its full import. _________________ Todd
2016/4/1 12:52 | Profile |
| Re: | | Mj writes....
"At times we can distance ourselves from HIM so much that we no longer see or hear what HE has for us. I think that is why we are called to be living each moment of the each day "ready" in HIM."
Amen sister..........bro Frank |
2016/4/1 13:29 | |
Sree Member

Joined: 2011/8/20 Posts: 1953
| Re: | | Thank you brother appolus. Was very useful. I remember sharing a message on near sightedness some time back, but just realized recently that I am getting near sighted and started to value things I see more than the heavenly things unseen. _________________ Sreeram
2016/4/1 14:32 | Profile |