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Joined: 2012/2/8
Posts: 6650


Hi Frank-

Not sure why that term is denigrating. It is what it is. It certainly was not my intention to denigrate him. The term is merely descriptive of what his prophecy states.

Jesus gave a doom and gloom prophecy in Mt 24. And I certainly am not denigrating him by stating this. Much of Revelation is doom and gloom- although that is not the ultimate purpose of the message.


 2016/3/31 15:36Profile

Joined: 2006/7/31
Posts: 3057


TMK wrote: Jesus gave a doom and gloom prophecy in Mt 24. And I certainly am not denigrating him by stating this. Much of Revelation is doom and gloom- although that is not the ultimate purpose of the message.

A thought came to me as I read what you shared. I have never thought of Revelations, the letter written to the saints as doom and gloom. In fact "if" one is following JESUS, daily living unto HIM this letter is filled with promise and hope...

God bless

 2016/3/31 16:01Profile



You should have the courage to stand behind the phrases that you use. Unless you are being deliberately obtuse, let us agree to disagree that David Wilkerson nor the Lord indulged in doom and gloom. There was nothing despairing or pessimistic about our Lord Jesus and to attach that phrase to His teachings just leaves a bad taste Todd. ..............bro Frank

Alternative forms

doom and gloom ‎(not comparable)
(idiomatic) Feeling, or acting in a manner consistent with, pessimism and despair.

His sister was all doom and gloom after she lost the part.


gloom and doom


doom and gloom

(idiomatic) Something considered indicative of feelings of pessimism and despair.

The economic forecast contained the usual doom and gloom.


gloom and doom

 2016/3/31 16:04


MJ, writes...........

"I have never thought of Revelations, the letter written to the saints as doom and gloom. In fact "if" one is following JESUS, daily living unto HIM this letter is filled with promise and hope."

It is only doom and gloom sister depending upon what prism you are looking through and living. This phrase is very telling and was consistently used by David Wilkersons detractors over the years. It is certainly a derogatory phrase and then to attach it to Jesus, well that just boggles my mind, very sad. The message of Jesus is glorious, even in the darkest dungeon, as Paul displayed..........bro Frank

 2016/3/31 16:08

Joined: 2012/2/8
Posts: 6650


" The message of Jesus is glorious, even in the darkest dungeon, as Paul displayed"

Indeed- which is why I wrote in my last post in regard to Revelation... "although that is not the ultimate purpose of the message."

I agree that the definitions of "doom and gloom" you posted are correct- think "Eeyore" from Winnie the Pooh.

Let's just say that Wilkerson's prophecy was not "happiness and cheer." My use of the term doom and gloom was lazy, I agree.

But this discussion of my intent by the term doom and gloom has nothing to do with my point. If Wilkerson was correct there will be no national revival and judgment is certain. If that is the case, and if so many other prophetic persons have prophesied the same thing, why do we also pray for revival? If there is a great national revival, will what Wilkerson and others have prophesied come to pass?

Personally, I would rather see great national revival instead of judgment. But if there is no hope for same it leads one to wonder why we should pray for something that is not in God's plan. I am reminded of Gamaliel's words in Acts 5: "but if it is of God, you cannot overthrow it—lest you even be found to fight against God.”


 2016/3/31 17:49Profile


The book of Revelation is the Revelation of Jesus Christ and depicts Him as Victor over Satan and his counterfeit Christ's and Christianity. It is a book of victory for those in Christ and is applicable for every saint that ever lived because as John said, it is the Revelation of Christ.

It is also doom and gloom for the Evil One.

No doom and gloom ever for blood bought saints. We are more than overcomers through Him who loved us.

 2016/3/31 18:34


Julias writes........

'It is a book of victory for those in Christ and is applicable for every saint that ever lived because as John said, it is the Revelation of Christ. It is also doom and gloom for the Evil One. No doom and gloom ever for blood bought saints. We are more than overcomers through Him who loved us."

Amen!..............bro Frank

 2016/3/31 18:38


AMEN!! 😉🙏🏻☝💪🏻

 2016/3/31 20:07

 Re: America Has Fallen - Mike Fuselier

I thought this was an excellent article. The author is not speaking about the church, but about the nation of America and its wonderful that he loves and cares about the people of this great country. Paul called on believers to pray for national leaders and all men, which for us and the author...would include the USA. Paul would be scratching his head however if he was to read some of the comments here that are nit-picky and simply serve to muddle even this, the most simple of all posts on this forum. Sigh.

"First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior."

 2016/3/31 22:13

Joined: 2011/10/23
Posts: 2556


Unless one believe in the doctrine of the perseverance of the saints,, then the prophecy is doom and gloom for many saints that will fall away ..

 2016/3/31 23:32Profile

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