My work is considering moving me to Salt Lake City. Are there any Bible-believing (not to throw the term around lightly) churches there or is really just slap full of Mormons?
Greetings, Many Bible Believing churches. Many more Mormon churches.Decidedly a mission field here. Not an easy assignment. Maybe a bit like Ephesus. May God direct you. L
Yes brother there are bible-believing churches in Salt Lake City. I can direct you to two fellowships that I have had experience with in my visits to SLC.One work is called Gospel Grace Church. This is a new work that is about 4 years old. The work is an independent Baptist work. But very Christ-centered. There are presently three pastors who direct the church. The main pastor is Lukus Counterman. The other pastor is Jon Kopp. Jonathan Albright leads to worship.I have heard many of Lucas's sermons. He's faithful in expounding the scriptures. Also Jon Kopp is a faithful teacher of the word of God. And Jonathan Albright leads the congregation in Christ centered worship. He uses a beautiful blend of contemporary and traditional hymns.Gospel Grace has small groups that meet during the week for more intimacy and encouragement. There is also a prayer meeting that meets on Monday night that prays for the needs of the city and the world.The church is also involved in outreach reaching out to the Mormons as well as to International students at the University in Salt Lake City.You can go in on their website and listen to some of the sermons by Lukas and Jon. Also you can contact them and tell them that you are moving out there. Just Google Gospel Grace Church Salt Lake City and their home page will come up.Another fellowship I can direct you to is Christ Fellowship. This is a group of believers that meet in house churches throughout the Salt Lake City area. Right now I cannot think of the brother who leads that network. But I have visited with them and again a solid work. They follow the Gospel Coalition. Consequently the church comes into a Calvinistic suasion. But the house churches do have a solid base of teaching. But also the house church provides jntimacy in developing relationship. Again they are involved also in outreach but primarily trying to reach the neighborhoods they are involved in. This work also has a website. Just Google Christ Fellowship Salt Lake City. And again their homepage should come up and tell you more about the church.As our sister, Leslie said, Salt Lake City is a mission field. Yes there is darkness. But God is raising up laborers to go out into the harvest there. I have prayer walked Salt Lake City four different times and see the darkness. But also see the hope that Christ can bring to the Lost there.Brother perhaps God is raising you up to be a working missionary in SLC through your job. Salt Lake does have a good quality of life. It is a good place to raise a family. But more importantly. It is a place where you can be involved in reaching the lost.I hope the leads above help. Trust that God will direct you to the fellowship that he wants you to serve Him in. May God bear much fruit through you if you move out to SLC. For it is a mission field of the harvest.May Gid direct your search. Feel free to contact me at my email below if I can be of further service.Blaine Scogin[email protected]
Thanks! I haven't gotten the definite go-ahead yet but I am definitely willing to go out there if that is what the Lord wants me to do.