how far you are off the mark, and if this seems like an "ad hominem" attack, it's really not, because I don't even think you are in control of our keyboard, in that you are being used by the accuser.....BUT, if you are in control of your keyboard, that's even WORSE, because the spew of "replacement theology" is foundational to 1700 years plus of the "church", which includes the hellish institution of rome, that murdered, raped, forced "conversions of the tribe of my flesh, the Jews.....up until this very day, with men like yourself, so transparent with your disdain of the modern state of Israel, or as you would say "Zionism".
You stream two kinds of postings, one is, this ad joinder, that we all eschew "the world" and "focus on Jesus", which is right and good, but then the mask comes off, and you engage in the most earthly kind of vociferous "political" postings, including joining in on that "political correctness" thread, posts about "spoiled brats" and how "Donald Trump" is not "politically correct", and then to conclude all this, you trumpet, "i'm voting for Jesus", even writing that , is just profane.
what most saints don't realize is that you are an ardent "zerohedger" itself the website zerohedge dot com is not a "bad website", its probably the most important financial alt media website, in that they break statistical data, and financial market stories the corporate owned mass media wont touch, because it will show both the fragility and the machinations inherent in the "global economy", as well as geopolitical lies foisted upon the American body politic. Bud, I have been trading since I was 22, I was in the trading pits with a seat, when I was 24, so I know ALL about whats happening today, I can read M2 and M3 numbers from the Fed, I see the charts of MV, monetary velocity,i can see the charts of the BDI, Baltic dry index, I know why the Sa-udi and other UAE states overpumped, and dumped crude oil, I read about how the various US/EU central banks want to go cashless, how and why they artificially suppress the electronic "board price" of precious metals in NY and London, I know all about the why's and how's of "bail-ins" (saints, that where the banks will just take a percentage of our bank accounts, to prop up the "the too big to fail" banks)...or how the "NIRP" might be coming to a bank near you, "NIRP" is NEGATIVE interest rates on deposits, meaning a bank will CHARGE YOU, for the "privilege" of keeping money in it, so as to discourage savings, I know who's behind "Daesh", that's what is what's referred to "ISIS", I know the why's of the tragedy of Syria and who is behind it all, same thing with the flames in Kiev, in Maidan Square, when two neo-Nazi groups, "Svoboda" and "Right Sector" lit the place aflame, etc etc etc.
But saints, the real hell, the real heart rending thing is to GO BELOW the articles, and read the comments of the "ZH'ers" as they call themselves, the raw and naked HATRED of the Jews, and of Israel, or just Zionists, as they call them is so intense, one can discern the demonic push behind it poster, just as an example refers to the Jews, as the "jooooooos", and Julius , you all over the website, and if you deny it, you are a liar, because I've read you quoting it HERE!
and as far as you saying I just "showed up"? that's a lie, I been here with Greg almost from the beginning in 2002, innocently and fervently seeking REVIVAL in all its forms, personal, county, national,global, and brother Greg and I, among some other saints ACTUALLY know each other, we "grew up" together IN MESSIAH Jesus, and these brothers and sisters I love with all my heart and soul, I get filled with JOY inexpressible to hear Greg's voice on the phone, when we edify and love each other with a pure and Godly love, as well as other saints, name's I wont mention so as NOT to focus your ill intent upon them.
and if you labor under the delusion that I am some "enforcer", or some cowardly keyboard cowboy, i'm sure they would testify, I would have no problem, none whatsoever, getting up in your face, and telling you mano o mano what I just wrote: