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Discussion Forum : Miracles that follow the plow : Election is going on

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Joined: 2004/4/29
Posts: 92
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

 Election is going on

My country is on an election- You know elections in a third world especially in a war-ridden country like mine always is accompanied by blood-shed. We have prayed and God intervened in so many situations until now! Two weeks before last Sunday the opposition party called a demonstration and over 2 million people went out the street square- The government intending to provoke the rally cut electric power so that the opposition leaders may not address the 2 million. The intension was that people may get provoked and do something offensive so that the "Federal Police" could be able to shot some of them and imprison the others so that they may not be able to vote on the next Sunday. But Christians everywhere were interceding and God heard- He led the 2 million back home peacefully as though he leads one man! They didn't even tear slogans of the ruling party on the street.
Miraculously they were not provoked! Now after the election opposition leaders are gaining votes on major cities of the country but the ruling party defiantly is claiming that he got the vote on medias and this will result in another provocation and uprising! Of course here also God is interfering making the government declare a 1 month ban of any opposition rally which of course would spare the rallying multitude from ending up in bullets! Pray for us that it may wind-up peacefully and that God would make us Christians use our God-given chance that we may bring revival on this nation!

Your sis. Mekdi

Mekdes Tsige

 2005/5/18 2:32Profile

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