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Joined: 2010/12/7
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In Christ

 Remember: Fear Not!

"We often find ourselves in crisis situations and we don't know which way to turn - to the right or to the left - every direction seems hopeless. We find it difficult to pray. We ask for help but don't seem to receive it. The first words that came out of Moses' mouth were, "Fear not." Do you know why it's so important not to fear? Fear robs faith. If you allow fear to grip you, your faith immediately decreases. In times of crisis the key words are Fear not. Crises come in this life. You could lose your job, someone close to you could be in an accident, or perhaps a problem arises that demands an immediate answer. Remember: Fear not!

In Scripture we find the words "fear not" many times. Whenever an angel brought a message to a person the first thing said would be, "Fear not." When Jesus revealed Himself He also used this expression. We are very prone to fear. We are weak and vulnerable and we know it.

From the moment Moses saw the burning bush a faith burned in his heart. He wanted to impart this same faith to the people. He didn't have the slightest idea how God was going to save them, but he believed in God regardless. He knew that God was big enough to intervene in this new crisis. God always surprises us when He intervenes. His methods are different every time...

We like to imagine how God will intervene and then "help" Him. However, the only thing we need to do is remain quiet and wait and see how He will do it. Remain firm in your position of faith. ...stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord...

All that the children of Israel saw was an army behind them. They didn't see any battle. They didn't see a fight. They didn't see the angels removing the wheels of the enemy chariots, but they did see the salvation of the Lord. They couldn't see what was happening in the invisible world, but they did see what God did in this adverse circumstance. They saw the miracle of the Red Sea.

I Corinthians 10:2 says: 'And all were baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea...' The children of Israel were going to be baptized, but they didn't know it. God delivered them in a strange manner. He made them pass through the Red Sea. This speaks to us of the cleansing by the Blood. The Lord said that they would see the salvation of the Lord. He didn't say, "You will see what I will do to your enemy." They were going to see something much bigger than that - they were going to see grace in operation. They were going to be baptized and experience the beginning of something new. The Red Sea, which they feared to cross, saved them completely from their enemy. They were washed and cleansed and the enemy could not destroy them.

The cleansing Blood is something very precious to us, but something very terrible to the devil. The church services that the devil hates the most are services of repentance. He hates repentance because for him it means death. He can't come against the blood.

The command came as to what the children of Israel were to do: Stand still. Many falter on this because they feel they have to do something. If the order to advance has not been given then don't go forward. Wait!
The battle is the Lord's. Stand still and wait! There are things that come against us, and things that want to destroy us. But stand still in the armor of God. We know how the Book of Job ended, but Job didn't. But he stood firm and continued to believe in God throughout his trial...

There is a time to pray and cry out and there's a time to abstain from that. This was not a time to pray, but a time to do something. Now let's see what God said to the people. The command was: Speak unto the children of Israel that they go forward...(v15). They were to go forward into the apparent impossible. But they trusted God and weren't destroyed. Like the three Hebrew children, who upon entering the burning oven, fell into the arms of the Almighty. Perhaps you say, "But I'll die!" Well, if you die, die going forward and not retreating. I would rather die with an arrow in my chest than in my back.

As David ran toward the giant he wasn't thinking, "He's so tall! He's so big!" He just ran toward the impossible. Jesus set His face toward Jerusalem where the cross awaited Him. The people marched and God met with them. If we go forward, God will meet with us. He will never lead us into destruction. If you go where He leads you, you'll go from victory to victory and from glory to glory."

- Edward Miller

SI Moderator - Brandy Gordon

 2016/3/7 13:12Profile

 Re: Remember: Fear Not!

Amen. I don't know if it's true/accurate, but I have heard it said many times that some form of "do not fear", "do not be afraid", "fear not", or the like is stated 365 times in scripture. One for each day of the year!

 2016/3/7 14:07

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