The unique will of God has led me into many places throughout my life, and it has been an incredible journey. However, we must learn to do the first things first. Come back to your first love if you need to; open the Word of God and begin to read it. Don’t live in an illusion that one day this mystical will of God will fall into your lap while you are choosing to ignore the revealed will of God.Scripture says, “This is the will of God, that by doing good you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men” (1 Peter 2:15). The revealed will of God is this—doing good; speaking the truth; caring in an uncaring time; praying when nobody else prays; studying when everyone else is writing off the Word of God; speaking the name of Jesus when everyone else wants to curse His name. This is where character is formed! You have to win battles in secret before you can win them in public. Remember, you will not become a super evangelist who loves everybody if you have not learned to love people in private. That is how it works. So do not worry so much about finding the unique will of God for your life; it will come to you. Concern yourself today with the revealed will of God, and the unique will of God will surely follow. Paul said in the book of Ephesians that we “should do the will of God from our hearts” (6:6). I encourage you to ask God for the will to do His will. Come to Him and say, “Lord, open my heart to what You have for my life. Don’t let me consider anything as too small or undignified. Help me to be the one who sees a piece of paper on the floor and picks it up. Help me to be kind, truthful, and faithful; a builder rather than a destroyer. Help me to be the one who will promote unity in the midst of a divided society. Yet, let me also be willing to take a stand for truth when everyone else is content to deal with lies. Lord, give me the courage to follow You fully.”As you trust God for the will to do His will, I believe Jesus will be revealed to You in a way that you have never known Him. You will be absolutely amazed at where God is going to take you and what He will do through your life.
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon