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 Spiritual preparation for these last days – Don Koenig

Get serious about your relationship with Jesus Christ. In other words, make Him the number one priority in your life. Obviously, if Jesus is the number one priority, you will communicate with Him daily and read the words Jesus gave to you in the Bible for your instruction and edification.

Especially pay attention to the New Testament which is the instructions for the New Covenant Assembly born of the Spirit. Also spend a good deal of time in the Psalms and Proverbs because they give valuable keys for good living and fellowship with the Lord.

Walk by the Spirit and not by sight. God will make it clear to you what He wants you to do but you must step out in faith and actually start doing it. If you do so, He will guide your paths.

Pray for wisdom to understand your calling in these last days and then do it with all the strength with the spiritual gifts that God will give you to complete His good work in you. Be open to correction from sincere Christians because we all get off track now and then. Let no one judge your motives if they truly came from a sincere desire to please the Lord and out of love for others.

Be separate from the world. Do not be enslaved to the many enticements and distractions that are in the world. That probably means changing some habits that are impacting your relationship with God even though these things might seem quite normal to those in the world. You may need to get rid of material things and worldly influences that are hindering you. Find spiritual substitutes, for example, fill your mind with Christian teachings, music, meditation on the word and with thinking on what God would have you to do with your talents.

Times of trouble, persecution and testing will come to all Christians; some will be very subtle and some will be very obvious. You will not like them when they come, but each will help build your faith and your character if you remain steadfast by trusting in God.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2016/2/27 19:50Profile

 Re: Spiritual preparation for these last days – Don Koenig

It is interesting that it took persecution in Jerusalem to scatter the saints and truly begin to spread the knowledge of the Holy, the Gospel, abroad...........bro Frank

 2016/2/27 20:43

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