Today's People Group(This story is intended to give readers an idea of what could happen with those involved in this movement)Dembe tried to keep his knees from bumping the airline seat ahead of him. He was too tall for this seat, but it was much wider than his skinny body required. He was feeling much calmer than he did on his first flight a week ago, because he was coming home from attending the Mobilizer Equipping School.Sponsored by the Student Volunteer Movement 2 (SVM2) Dembe and other student mission leaders from the majority world, (non-Western countries including his beloved Uganda) had spent a week deepening their spiritual life, rethinking strategies to influence believers to embrace the Great Commission, and learning to understand the needs of their people.As he disembarked the sleek jet he thought about the action plan God has given him. Dembe and his fellow mission mobilizers in Uganda would speak at local churches, with campus ministries, at Bible schools, and one on one with students. With heartfelt urgency and a strength and boldness from the Holy Spirit burning within them, these students will seek to “Awaken the Body of Christ to its mission mandate,” as SVM2 says.May the few they are training be multiplied in the Master’s hand to an army of believers pronouncing the Great Commission to those who are not yet involved.TODAY'S INTERCESSION> SALVATION: let's pray specifical for those held in the false cult of "The Church of Jesus Christ of the Later Day saints" (Mormon), and those in Jehova's Witness. Plead with God to deliver people held by satan in these heresiesToday's Prayer Quote: Always respond to every impulse to pray. The impulse to pray may come when you are reading or when you are battling with a text. I would make an absolute law of this – always obey such an impulse. --Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Today's Prayer Quote: Always respond to every impulse to pray. The impulse to pray may come when you are reading or when you are battling with a text. I would make an absolute law of this – always obey such an impulse. --Martyn Lloyd-JonesSince the devil will never give us an impulseto pray, and seeks to hinder all true prayer,I would take this impulse as being the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Thank you dear Nigerian brother and Mike for reminders to pray and intercede.